a day with the villans (25)

470 16 3

Sleepycat - Aizawa
U.A. Godess - Recovery Girl
Loud blonde - mic
Mama bear - midnight
Blood bender - vlad
Better than space - 13
Support shark - power loader
RatSatan - nezu
Language wall - cementoss
Pewpew gone - Snipe
Clone math - Ectoplasm
No starvation - lunch rush
Ur average therapist - Hound dog
Bitchmight = N/A
Green ruler - midoriya
Handjob - shigaraki
Redwings - Hawks
Bloodsucker - Toga
Hot'n'cold - shoto

Greenruler: hey dadzawa?

Sleepycat: yes my adorable kiddo?

Mamabear; oo~ someone's in father mode.

Sleepycat; ..I will skin you alive, midnight..

Mamabear; oh so scary.

Sleepycat: nezu.

RatSatan; what? I'm not tying her up because its true what she said.

Mamabear: ha. So there.

Greenruler: can i go stay with the villans for a little bit?

Sleepycat: why would you want to go there? Even if they don't hurt you they can still keep you away from me and i don't want that.

RatSatan; *us

Sleepycat: 🖕

RatSatan; no thanks. I'd rather not participate in sexual acts at all during my long lifespan.

Mamabear; juicy. Anyway, you can go, izu, just but careful about who you trust out there.

UA goddess: if i find you were hurt at all, me, nezu, aizawa, midnight and everyone else here is burning them alive after torturing them.

Greenruler; i- okay- 😢

Support shark: for someone who is online when suppose to be teaching, you sure have a lot of spunk, midnight, aizawa.

Sleepycat: okay, powerloader. Just get off our backs already and get back to teaching.

Support shark: I can literally build a bomb and blow it up in your classroom with no remorse for an experiment.

Sleepycat: and? I already make bakugo make grenades and give them to me to throw at the students.

Language wall; wait what? Is that why I hear booming noises a lot?

Hot'n'cold: it's true. He does throw grenades along with bakugo having a battle every once In a while with midorya.

Sleepycat; which is incredibly entertaining for me. But I do restrain them both before it gets out of hand.

Pewpew gone; still.. you shouldn't do that at all, at least let the kids onto the field for gym or something if your letting them do that. Don't let them destroy the classroom.

RatSatan: i agree. If you want to see a fight between them from now on, take them to the field.

Sleepycat; ugh. Fine.

Mamabear; you got in trouble! Ha ha!

Sleepycat: your skin will be on a lamp being used as a lampshade if you don't stop teasing me midnight.

Greenruler: please everybody just stop?

Blood bender; agreed. I'm trying to teach my class and my phone is blowing up with notifications.

Greenruler: I want to see the villans.

Handjob: we always have a place for you here. Nobody will harm you and if they do then they're dead.

RatSatan; good to know your on the same page, tomura.

Redwings: I need to keep patrolling but this is all very fun to read. Lol

Greenruler; I'm off to the villans now. See you when i get back everyone.

 See you when i get back everyone

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