movie night part 2

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Aizawas pov

I was sitting in the corner of my problem children's room, watching my daughter eri and my problem kitten izu doing their own things while paying attention to the other.

"Hey you two, do you want to come with me later somewhere? It's a suprise so you can't ask what it is." I asked them, a hidden smile behind my scarf.

My problem kitten, who caused me non-existant Grey hairs and stress every single day, smiled and nodded while holding eri. "Of course! Will it be fun?"

I smile and chuckle at eris squeal at being tickled. "Of course it will. You two will love it."

Eri smiled and giggled. "Okay Dad!"

I was shocked, she was having fun but since she got here it was only 'mister' or 'sir,' never dad. "Alright. It's gonna be an hour more to wait, though."


Midnight pov

I sighed. "Present mic! Behave yourself. We have to make this perfect!"

I saw him pout, then go get some boxes of lights and curtains. "Hang them up. And don't complain. You already did way too much of that for what little you managed to do, with your child like attention span." I started hanging them up in the highest points of the wall with cemontos's help with a little reconfiguring of the walls.

I smiled. It was coming along so well! Though if i had a complaint, it was the messing around of some of them that barely did any work to help..

It needs to be perfect for my poor baby izu and eri. I'm acting a little too much like shouta right now, but meh. Who cares, when we have all the time in the world with them for now.

We have barely an hour for them to get here, according to the clock, so we need to hurry. We are mostly done, but still..

"Oi! Mind your steps nezu, you'll get squished!" I saw our devilish principal try to get off the chair, just as Hound dog was chasing hizashi for making a dog joke that got on his nerves.

I saw nezu give a grin before skipping off to the kitchen. Who knows why.

The answer was given when seconds later, pots and pans crashed to the floor, I rushed over and saw his fur bristling while he was growling. What at? Well, it was a cat. A very evil cat who was licking its jaws hungrily for a rat snack.

I sighed and picked up the cat, putting it in another room made just for said cat. "Nezu, you can't just react like that. Did you want tea at all?"

He calmed himself and straightened his vest. "Yes.. I do. Thank you for offering."


After the timeskip of almost an hour, eri and izu made it with aizawa and they were surprised at the decoration of the place.

Even the reformed villains were there.
They had an awesome night watching Disney movies, horror movies, and other genres.

Izu and eri fell asleep with aizawa and the cats, nemuri and mic with nezu nestled between them. The others went home and went to sleep in their beds.

(I'm gonna be short with this now cause I've been putting it off too much TnT)

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