movie night part 1

285 12 4

Sleepycat - Aizawa
U.A. Godess - Recovery Girl
Loud blonde - mic
Mama bear - midnight
Blood bender - vlad (N/A)
Better than space - 13
Support shark - power loader
RatSatan - nezu
Language wall - cementoss
Pewpew gone - Snipe
Clone math - Ectoplasm
No starvation - lunch rush
Ur average therapist - Hound dog
Bitchmight = N/A
Green ruler - midoriya
Handjob - shigaraki
Redwings - Hawks
Bloodsucker - Toga
Hot'n'cold - shoto
Pale Nemisis - All for one

Private Chat

Handjob: oi, eraser! Got a question for you. And don't smart-ass me about it.

Sleepycat: whatever. What's your question.

Handjob: I was wondering if the staff and lov could watch a movie marathon of all out favorite movies tonight. You know, since the kid was kidnapped and he needs some relaxation?

Sleepycat: that's.. actually not a bad idea, go ahead and mention it to the others. Don't include me other than the fact I begrudgingly allowed it.

Handjob: cool. Thanks. But no promises on the last part.

Sleepycat; shiggy. Im serious.

Handjob; fine, fine. But I'm pretty sure midnight will want to cuddle him, even if he is her aunt.

Sleepycat: do whatever. Ill probably sleep during it anyway. I'll get mic to bring eri.

Handjob; 😈

Staff chat

Sleepycat; @everyone

Handjob; -_-

Sleepycat: say your part, I'm going off.
Sleepycat is offline

Handjob: why don't we have a movie marathon of everyone's favorite movies tonight? We're bringing the rulers sister, eri, along. Eraser said your doing that one, mic.

Mamabear; ooh~ what a great idea! I'll cuddle izu and the bean

Kurogiri; do i have to bring everyone to the location?

Handjob: yall decide where it is. And yes, kuro, yes you do.

Kurogiri; fine. It'll be good to get out now that we're not being hunted anymore.

Bloodsucker: ooh! I wanna see my dads!

Loud blonde; yeah! And we'll bring lots of snacks and drinks!

RatSatan: im glad to see everybody getting along still. But maybe I might join this time.

Half'n'half; i don't mind, I might sit with my brother though @dabi

Dabi: well shit. I was thinking about skipping this whole thing, but now I don't feel like doing that. Your lucky shoto.

Half'n'half: 😊

Hotwings; even me? But the commission gone, what will I do for orders, im not exactly known for hving my own time..

RatSatan: it doesn't matter, keigo. I'll set you up with something soon enough.

Hotwings: Okay.. as least i get to relax for once in a while..

Bloodsucker: BTW, where's my lovely brother izu?

Loud blonde; oh, he's in his room, writing stuff down? I heard mumbling coming from his room and eris giggling, so i assume she's on her iPad while talking with izu while he works. Bonding
Loud blonde sent an attachment 📎

Mamabear: so cute!

Loud blonde; they are. It was taken by shouta, who is currently with them.

Mamabear: Anyway, omw to the mall to get some gifts.
Mamabear is offline

Loud blonde; im gonna get the snacks, shouta is gonna take care of the kids.
Loud blonde is offline

No starvation: us as well for movie night?

Mamabear; hun, we said everybody. Including you two. And afo, if he wants to. Powerloader can make stuff for him.

Support shark: Yeah, yeah. I'm on it

Pale nemesis: Sure, I guess. I have a question, though: can I get eri to re-wind my body to where I can move again?

Mamabear; mm, maybe. When mic is back, you can at least ask.

Pale nemesis; good enough for me. The nomus are on standby for future use, nezu.

RatSatan: Thank you. Good to see you're on the right track.

Pale nemesis; not like I can exactly argue with the kid, can I? He asked so nicely.

Dabi: im gonna get shoto.
Dabi is offline

Half'n'half: thanks kurogiri, I'm gonna hang out with my brother for now, everyone.
Half'n'half is offline.

Mamabear: Everybody, get what they need. It's gonna be a fun night tonight. Maybe an after-party for adults tomorrow night, it is a weekend.

A/n: im gonna let this episode end here. This is part one for the chat part. The next one will likely be sometime this week or next week, depending on my mood. But anygays, i hope everyone is okay, mentally and physically. 😊
Eat well, be hydrated, and have a good night. I changed my writing style, and I hope it doesn't bother you, peeps.

744 words, including authors note.

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