a visit to the LOV

300 10 3

Sleepycat - Aizawa
U.A. Godess - Recovery Girl
Loud blonde - mic
Mama bear - midnight
Blood bender - vlad (N/A)
Better than space - 13
Support shark - power loader
RatSatan - nezu
Language wall - cementoss
Pewpew gone - Snipe
Clone math - Ectoplasm
No starvation - lunch rush
Ur average therapist - Hound dog
Bitchmight = N/A
Green ruler - midoriya
Handjob - shigaraki
Redwings - Hawks
Bloodsucker - Toga
Hot'n'cold - shoto
Pale Nemisis - All for one

Izuku pov

I didn't exactly know how to deal with the fact I, a hero, had taken someone else's life away. A heros job was not to kill, but to capture.

Yeah, sure, I had to save eri. But I didn't mean to kill the man. I mean, come on. A split second decision to make, a girls life on the line, a murderous man aiming for her. What could i do in that situation?

"-tten. Izuku. Kid." I blinked out of my trance and looked to my adoptive dad, Shota Aizawa. "Sorry dad.. just thinking"

I heard him sigh for the millionth time since he started the class of the first year i get into UA.

'Please just let me leave already.. I want to be out.. outside in the fresh air'
I felt the need to be out. Out. OUt. OUT. The room felt suffocating.

I stood up and ran out of the classroom, my heart beating fast as I felt eyes on my back, aizawa-sensei calling my name.

I dodged as his scarf/capture weapon went my direction, feeling strange in my chest.  Out. I need outside. That will help me.

"Kid stop!" I didn't. 'Sorry dad.. but i need outside, not that i think before doing these things..' I kept running until i got to the front of the school, jumping over the stairs and landing painfully at the bottom of them then running out.

Somehow, I had lost aizawa during that time and stopped a few meters outside of the school gates, getting back my breath. "I'll have to apologize later. Im gonna get a Stern talking to though."

I looked at the time on my phone and went to the park sitting on a swing, looking at the messege my phone was being spammed with.

Private chat:

Dad: Kid. Where the hell did you go and why did you run out.

Broccoli: sorry.. just needed fresh air, didn't think before running

Dad: just ome back home later. I'll talk to you after dinner. Don't be out too late and don't get yourself kidnapped again.

Broccoli; 'kay. And i can't promise that, as you know I have such bad luck I get targeted for the strangest things. I may go visit the lov though.

Dad: do you really have to? I don't care if your friends with them.

Broccoli: it's been a while since I saw them. So yeah, maybe. But I'll come home on time.

Dad: fine. I'll explain to the class a lie for you. The ones in the gc though will know what's up.

Broccoli; that's fine. Thank you, dad.

Dad; yeah. Just be safe kiddo.

Putting the phone away i sighed. "At least now I understand his sighing habits." I stood and started walking to the direction to the lov bar.

I heard talking as I neared maybe 10-15 minutes of walking later. Opening the door i smiled, i missed them. "Hey everyone."

They all stopped and shiggy, aka handjob in the gc, growled a bit.
"Aren't you supposed to be in school?"

"Yeah I am. But i kinda ran away." I got a shriek from Toga, a smile from dabi, a sigh from kurogiri and maybe a chuckle from AFO on the screen.

"You really shouldn't. But was it a supposed to be an escape from your panic? You get those a lot." I nodded and sat down, getting a soda they had in the fridge. "Yeah. But thanks." I received a nod.

3rd pov

Izuku sipped his soda while Toga skipped up and hugged him from behind. "Hey izu!"

Izu smiled a bit and leaned his head back. "Hey. How are you doing, mic was wondering since him and dad apoted you as well."

"I've been good! The league isn't so much as villans anymore, but we still do what we need to do." She sat next to him and grinned.

Kurogiri kept on cleaning the glasses and had a small smile under the purple mist, listening to the conversation between the two.

"Hey, kurogiri. Where's twice?" Shiggy asked him, getting a pause before a response.

"Out. He said he had to do something today." Shiggy raised a brow at this, it seemed strange. "Alright. Im gonna go play some games in my room. And don't turn off the game this time!"

Hawks chuckled, sitting with dabi on the couch. "Hey shigster. He only does that so you'll get out of your room. You spend way too much time in there to begin with." Daabi smacked the back of his head then pulled him close.

Hawks pouted while shiggy growled. "Whatever. I don't want to be out here with you two anyway. Your just player 2 and 3." He stalked to his room and shut the door.

Izuzlu smiled and took Toga to her room, where theey proceeded to watch movies, shows, and even cartoons together which calmed izu down immensely.

Soon though, izu had to go home as hours had passed by quickly. Getting multiple hugs he pat Toga then left.

But by all means was his trip home easy? Nope.! Not at all.

It never. Is.

The figure that was watching him from the mall roof before used his quirk and teleported behind him, making him drop his phone on the ground as he went unconscious from the chloroform soaked washcloth being pressed to his mouth and nose.

"Your gonna do well. Say goodbye to everyone you know, number 6." Izu was then teleported to a dark room, and put on a bare white bed with light sheets and a pillow on it.

Uh yeah. Late night idea ig. Hope it isn't bad. TvT 1018 words.

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