𝙍𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙮 𝙩𝙤 𝙙𝙤 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨, 𝙒𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝘽𝙤𝙮?

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Percy kept Lana by his side for the rest of their stay at the Lotus Casino Hotel. He didn't trust any of the boys not trying anything again and meant what he said back at their hotel room. He would make sure no one would hurt her again.

Grover, Lana, and Percy decided to spend some time together and grab something to eat. When the trio walked into a restaurant, they immediately saw the group of boys sitting at a booth in the corner. for once, they were dressed in normal clothes and not their usually swim shorts paired with a towel.

When the boys looked up, fear instantly appeared in their eyes. Percy couldn't help but smirk at that. Lee still looked like shit and that brought a sense of pride in Percy's chest. Lana and him really did a number on the idiotic boy.

At least the boys learned a valuable lesson, even if Percy had to physically pound it into Lee's head.

Lana seemed to be returning back to normal after the incident, but Percy could tell that it was still bothering her. Nonetheless, he continued to remain patient with her and didn't bring up what happened. His main goal for the day was to take her mind off of it and make her laugh again.

The trio played endless games together, enjoying each other's presence after doing their own thing for some time. Grover was cracking jokes, Lana was constantly losing with a smile on her face, and Percy enjoyed feeling like a kid again.

Currently, Percy was cheering Lana on in the VR sharpshooters game she was playing. She was doing amazing and he was incredibly happy to see her enjoying herself.

"You're doing great, Lana!" He clapped his hands with a bright smile on his face.

The guy that was playing beside her stopped playing his own VR system, jumping off the platform before offering Percy a chance to play. The son of Poseidon politely declined, wanting to watch Lana play instead.

"Thanks though."

"No worries, man. We can keep the groove going. Been here two weeks and the games keep getting better and better." The guy said.

He decided to hang back with Percy and Lana, offering the latter tips on how to gain more points throughout her play.

While the two boys were watching her, they held a steady conversation with one another. It was nice for Percy to get to know someone else and found comfort in the idea of making a new friend.

The new guy introduced himself as Darrin, but the more questions Percy continued to ask, the more Darrin seemed to get bored with their conversation.

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