Ch. 15 - Don't Blame me

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Clarke came so close to texting Raven and Octavia that she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get anyone else sick

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Clarke came so close to texting Raven and Octavia that she wasn't feeling well and didn't want to get anyone else sick.  Anything to get out of this game night and going back to Cornelia Street.

That is until she saw Lexa's post in the early afternoon, having headed over early to spend some time at the house before everyone arrived later.  In an entirely unrelated move, since everyone is required to bring a dish or snack so that the host isn't also having to feed everyone, Clarke decides to make a big batch of her signature lemon bars, that just happen to be Lexa's favorite.

She debated also showing up early, but the thought of just the four of them sitting around in that house made her too nervous so she settled for 15 minutes late, hoping everyone else would already be there for an easy buffer.

The ruckus can be heard from the sidewalk as Clarke walks up to the house, and sure enough the boys are already talking over each other arguing which games are not allowed tonight based on who's strengths each one plays to.

"No fucking word games tonight!" Yells Jasper, who hates Boggle, Scrabble, and Bananagrams. He picks up the yellow banana-shaped pouch of letter tiles and tosses it off the coffee table.

Bellamy gives him a playful shove from next to him on the couch, "Well you cheat at all the card games."

The group takes game night very seriously. They have a running tally of standings that is kept all year, and the winner at the end of the year gets their name & year engraved into the base of a large bowling trophy -because that's what Clarke and Octavia found at a flea market one random Saturday. The trophy is kept by the winner for the year, and brought every month.

Clarke walks over to the  mantle where it's currently displayed, looking over the bronze man with a bowling ball swung back to roll. The record went back six years, when they formally started keeping track. Her name is only engraved on it once, winning three years ago. Lexa's name is on it twice, having won the first two years, and never let anyone forget she is the only to successfully defend her title. Bellamy and Octavia, the two most competitive besides Clarke and Lexa, alternated winning the other three years, Octavia with two and Bellamy a single title.

"Clarke! What do you want to play first, break this tie!" Murphy calls out to her.

"Uhhh" She looks over the stack of games and cards on the coffee table, "Uno."

The boys get started clearing off everything else, as Clarke subtly scans the house to locate a certain brunette that's not in the living room.

Lincoln and Octavia are arranging everyone's dishes along the kitchen counter for people to help themselves to, so Clarke heads over to hand off her lemon bars.

"Is uh... is everyone here? We good to get started?" She asks.

Lincoln gives a nod at the next room over "Yea, Lex is in the studio, if you wanna go grab her?"

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