The Report and Letter

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Y/N's Room

[We see Y/N in his room wearing his usual nightwear, he sits on his bed with his laptop on a typing page. Y/N now begins his report to heaven and his letter to Emily.]

Y/N:alright then *stretches his arms* let's start that report.


Hell Time/Date

Report 1

Y/N L/N, Angelic warrior assigned with a special mission that takes place in Hell. I have been assigned personally by Adam and Lute to take on an assignment of reconnaissance regarding the Hazbin Hotel. The Hazbin Hotel is owned by the Princess of Hell, Charlie Morningstar, she has created this hotel in order to rehabilitate sinners and send them to heaven because she believes that everyone deserves a chance to be redeemed. In this hotel we have the staff such as Charlie the owner, Vaggie the protector of the hotel, Alastor known as the infamous Radio Demon who was now became apart of the hotel as its Facility Manager, Husker the bartender, Nifty the custodian. They also have taken in two guests Angel Dust, a famous porn star and Sir Pentious an eccentric inventor, with these two guests they have their companions. Pentious has the Egg Boiz, while Angel dust has his Pig name Fat Nuggets. The first guest, Angel Dust has been here the longest, he was the first guest in the hotel though he hasn't been redeemed he is showing great progress of being a better person such as, participating in the hotel's exercises, having conversation with the hotel's staff and guest, and being a great friend, The other guest Sir Pentious, he joined shortly after I joined the hotel. Pentious has shown great qualities of being redeemed, he apologized to the hotel and residents after committing a mistake, participates in the hotels activities, being a great friend and getting along with others, despite him being worried of others he has grown accustomed to his environment. Though it is the first week the hotel has already begun to show promise and progress of being able to redeem a sinner. Though I have been here for week they all have welcomed me with open arms and let me into their family, I can't wait what else this hotel has in store, end of report, Y/N L/N signing out.

[Y/N has finished typing his last words of his report, he signs it with his name and sends it to Adam's email which is]

Y/N:alright I finished the report, time to write that letter

[Y/N snaps his fingers and teleports his laptop to the desk in his room and summons in his hand a fountain pen and paper]

Y/N:alright finally, time to write to Emily. *squeals* Ooh I'm so excited to see what she'll think of it.

[Y/N now begins writing his letter]

To My Dearest And Beloved Emily
it has been half a fortnight since I last saw your glowing smile and heard your warming laugh. I am writing to you from my room located in the Hazbin Hotel here in hell. My mission has been most joyous, I have come to meet all sorts of new people here in the hotel all with their own intriguing personalities, interests and backgrounds. Despite being the residents here being sinners, they are at all nothing that I expected, they are kind and find comfort with one another, they build their bonds and turn them into friendships. I have grown accustomed to two of their guest who have now become my friends, their names are Angel Dust and Sir Pentious. I never expected my first friends to be here in hell, although nevertheless you are my most valued friend. I can't wait to see what the Hazbin Hotel has in store for hell and heaven, for even though it's too early, I believe that this Hotel is worth heaven's approval and that it can accomplish its goal of redeeming a sinner so that they may join with us in heaven. I can't wait to see you when our paths cross once more, I shall write you another letter soon.
~Sincerely, Y/N L/N

[as Y/N finishes signing the letter he told the letter and puts it into an envelope. He seals the envelope, and then with a snap of his fingers the envelope is surrounded with blue and gold clouds and is now being sent to Emily up in heaven.]

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