The Show Must Go On

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Y/N's Training

[we now open the story with Y/N and Dark Y/N clashing swords at one another, with the hooded figure in the background observing the fight]

Dark Y/N:you have grown much more stronger since then *swings sword at Y/N's head*

Y/N:*dodges the sword* is that a way you're saying you're scared that i'm gonna beat you?

Dark Y/N:more of an observation, you still haven't challenged me to the duel, and it's already the day before the extermination

Y/N:i know what I'm doing, I have to make sure that I'm prepared

Dark Y/N:is that your way of saying you don't have it in you to save your loved ones?

[Fight stops]

Y/N:what did you say?!

Dark Y/N:you heard me that with all of our training, fights and exercises you still don't feel like you are strong enough?!

Y/N:if memory serves me right you said that I can challenge you to the duel at anytime with one chance, and I still have my chance

Dark Y/N:Exactly! you still haven't used it, and it's already the day you say you would duel! so what's the wait?! because your time is running out! how much longer must your friends await for arrival?! how much longer can you hide like a coward?!

[as Dark Y/N says all this, Y/N throws away the sword to the side and glares at Y/N]

Y/N:you talk a big game, but lets see if you can back it up *raises fists*

Dark Y/N:is this your request for the duel?

Y/N:it is, so come on and ready for yourself

Dark Y/N:very well then, let us battle

[Dark Y/N tosses his sword to the side and raises his fist, the hooded figure then makes his way to the fight]

Hooded:so is this the one?

Y/N:yes it is

Dark Y/N: yes

Hooded:alright then, *raises hand* and begin!

Fight 6:50-11:58

[After Dark Y/N landed the final punch to Y/N, Y/N laid on the ground in defeat with tears in his eyes, he then began to stand on his knees and started to punch the ground repeatedly]


Dark Y/N:you've lost, it would seem you were never ready

[as Dark Y/N said this Y/N started to scream in pain and regret, this causes the hooded figure to flinch backwards, and Dark Y/N looks at Y/N with worry and concern however he shakes this look and feeling and starts to turn around to walk away]


Dark Y/N:*walks away*goodbye Y/N, may you come at peace with yourself

[Dark Y/N then fades away with the darkness and disappears, leaving Y/N and the hooded figure by themselves]


[The hooded figure looks at Y/N with sadness, he then comes up with an idea that could help Y/N to save his friends.]

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