Dad Beat Dad

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[Opens to Vaggie sleeping in bed. she squirms before waking up, yawning and rubbing her eyes. She turns to the left side. Camera zooms out to reveal Charlie gone.]

Vaggie: Charlie?

[It cuts to Charlie panicking and planning out everything with lots of paper with strings attached with everyone else watching her, disturbed by her behavior.]

Charlie: I'm just not quite understanding why it's not working. Okay, okay, think Charlie. Think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think. Okay if I do this, it's going to be- (gasp) I have trust falls every single morning. We can do- (gasp)

Angel Dust: Yikes.

Y/N:should we stop her?

Husk:I wouldn't

Charlie: Come on, come on, come on, come on.

Vaggie: Charlie? Sweetie? You, uh, you good?

[Charlie looks back with sleep-deprived, insane look in her eyes that red veins were shown in the sclera.]

Charlie: Nope! No, not really. Ha ha. I've been up all night trying to figure out why the hotel isn't working. [Crushes paper with hand] We've done trust falls, we've tried sharing our feelings, we only have a couple months left before the angels come. [Turns into demonic form and laughs maniacally before turning back to normal] And at this rate-

Vaggie: Maybe it's time-

Y/N:time for what?

Charlie: NO.

Vaggie: to ask-

Y/N:ask who?

[Charlie gets up close to Vaggie's face, holding her cheeks desperately.]

Charlie: DON'T SAY IT.

Vaggie: your dad.

[Y/N's eyes widen in shock, as this mean he will meet Lucifer MorningStar, the fallen one, the king of hell, and most importantly he will have the opportunity to see him face to face]


[Charlie groans, knowing what this means for her.]

Vaggie: Charlie, I know you don't want to, but we need every advantage we can get.

Y/N:Vaggie is right, our time is diminishing their isn't enough until I go back to heaven and they read all the reports I have written

Vaggie:we have no other choice Charlie, like Y/N said we don't have enough time

Charlie: He let the extermination happen to begin with. They just had a meeting and said, "Go ahead and kill everyone"- (gasp) Wait, that's it!

Vaggie: Kill everyone?

Y/N:please tell me that isn't the first idea that popped up in your head

Charlie: No! He could get me a meeting with Heaven!

Vaggie: Didn't we already try that?

Charlie: Well. yeah with Adam, he was an asshole. But he isn't in charge of all of Heaven. We could go to the top. There's sure to be some angels who will listen.

Y/N:Charlie is right, even though Adam is the first man he isn't that high ranking, there are much more angels that have more authority and responsibilities than Adam, and some not all will listen, and yeah he is an ass

Charlie:thank you once again Y/N!

[Charlie scrolls through her contacts. In her contacts, she has Egg Boiz 1,2, and 3, before her thumb lingers on top of her "Dad". However, she was hesitant to call her dad]

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