The Return

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Y/N:so it's time to go

[The others hear what Y/N said, and they all look at him disintegrating, their eyes widen in worry, they all start to walk towards but before they could come near Y/N snaps his fingers and creates another forcefield around them, this time to stop them getting to him]

Charlie:Y/N what is happening?!

Y/N:i made a deal with someone so I can save your lives and now the deal is done

Lucifer:Y/N I promise I'll find a way to get you back!

[Vaggie starts hitting the forcefield hoping it can break]

Vaggie:*tearing up*I already lost you two times Y/N, i'm not gonna let this be the third

Y/N:it's okay master, i'm just happy I got to see you again

Angel Dust:don't worry pal i'm sure this is just temporary

Y/N:don't worry Angel, I'll be fine

Husk:damn it kid we just got you back, ain't no way you losing you!

Y/N:it's alright Husk, just promise to make a drink named after me

Charlie:Y/N i'm sorry I didn't believe you back in heaven! when you said those were reports were false I should've know you wouldn't say such things

Y/N:it's alright Charlie, no need to apologize you accepting me into your family was more then enough, just make sure that everyone gets the letter I wrote about them

Charlie:i will

Y/N:*sighs* I guess this is it

[Y/N impales his spear to the ground as a symbol that the hotel will always be under his protection no matter what, Y/N opens his eyes wide open and smiles widely as he see's everyone start to cry]

Y/N:come now do not cry, it will be okay although this is my final act I am grateful, after all I got to meet and spend my time with all of you, I thank you my family for being the stars into my night sky for guiding me into the darkness, until the next adventure my cherished friends, I bid thee farewell

[Y/N gives everyone a bow and as he about to finally to disintegrate, he smiles and looks at Vaggie one last time]

Y/N:goodbye, master

[Y/N is now gone and his forcefield disappear, as the forcefield is gone Vaggie falls on to her knees and stares at Y/N's spear]

Vaggie:*crying* Y/N!!!

Y/N's Mind

[as Y/N's disintegrates and left this life forever, we hear his voice in which he is talking to himself]

Y/N:*in thought*so I guess this is it, i'm sorry everyone that I couldn't be with all of you I wish things turned out differently but I'm happy that I was there even though I want there on time. I'm sorry Emily I know I promised I would get back to you but I guess...wait a minute, how am I talking to myself if I'm dead again

[Y/N then started to close his eyes in which he notices they are already closed, he then starts to notice the rest of his body is there, he moved his hands all over his body to make sure he wasn't missing anything]

Y/N:my body?! it's here...i'm not dead, alright Y/N you are gonna open your eyes and hope for the best, maybe your in the after afterlife, I don't even know if thats a thing but here it goes

[Y/N then counts down from three and he opens in his eyes, he then sees he is on a floor of the office that we previously saw in Dad Beat Dad]

Y/N:woah, this is a nice office I wonder who it belongs to

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