Hello Rosie!

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[The episode begins with Vaggie, Niffty, Alastor, Angel Dust, Sir Pentious and Husk all sitting in the hotel's lounge. While Y/N's koala is sitting in the background eating a leaf.]

Niffty: So, like where are your wings?

Vaggie: Niffty, I don't have--

[Vaggie's sentence is cut off by Angel Dust.]

Angel Dust: Did you ever think maybe she's sensitive about her lack of wings, just like her lack of tits?

[Niffty tugs at Vaggie's shirt]

Niffty: Yeah. Where are your tits?

[Vaggie sighs]

Vaggie: Any other questions?

Husk: I got one. How come every time Charlie talks to Heaven we get in deeper and deeper shit?

Vaggie: It's not her fault. Angels are just--

Angel Dust: Liars?

Vaggie: ...difficult. But Charlie's trying her best.

Husk: Yeah, well, her best is turning out real well so far.

Angel Dust: And where is miss fearless leader anyway? Isn't it about time for another "doomed-to-fail" plan?

Vaggie: She's upstairs. Coming up with something, I'm sure, in our room. Alone.

[Sinister music starts to play]

Alastor: Hmm.

[Alastor vanishes into black smoke.]

Angel Dust:I have a question

Vaggie:what is it angel?

Angel:where is Y/N?

Husk:*looks around*yeah where is the kid?

Niffty:did he not come back with you two?

[Vaggie looks at them with a sorrow look, as she not told them what happened to Y/N]

Vaggie:its time you guys know the truth

Sir Pentious:and what truth is that?

Vaggie:*sighs*the truth is Y/N is my student back when I was still an angel and i'm his master, and the reason he isn't here is because he spoke back against heaven for us, in which there is doubt in my mind that he was taken to the fallen cell

Angel Dust:You were his master?!

Husk:he was your student?!

Niffty:what's the fallen cell?

Sir Pentious and who is that koala?!

[Everyone turns their head to the Koala who was sitting in a bar stool at Husk's bar eating a leaf while staring back at them]

Husk:that koala is acting like he know's what we are saying


Angel Dust:holy shit he can!

Vaggie:ok everyone!

[everyone turns their heads to Vaggie]

Vaggie:yes I am Y/N's master and he is my student, and for the fallen cell...*sighs*it's a cell for those that spoke out against heaven, it's more like a dungeon where you are stripped of your angelic properties and shackled to a wall where it can only be opened by a angel and no one can hear you...

[As Vaggie says all of this we are shown an image of Y/N with his arms up shackled to the wall as he his on his knees with his feet shackled to the ground, and a collar around his neck that is also shackled to the wall. Y/N is then seen with his hair hanging down and disheveled]

An Angels Helping Hand (Hazbin Hotel x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now