An Angel's Arc

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Years Ago

[This story begins years ago before the creation of the Hazbin Hotel and the events that took place there, we see a younger version of Y/N at his apartment in Heaven after one year of his death wearing a black t-shirt and grey sweatpants]

Y/N:*eating breakfast*it's been one year since I've been here, and still I don't feel like I'm contributing enough to heaven's society, sure I saved a life but I still feel worthless, I wish there was something that could help me

*knock knock*

[All of a sudden there was a knock on the door, Y/N walked to his door but stopped in his tracks when a envelope slipped through his door]

Y/N:what's this?

[Y/N picked up the envelope and opened his apartment door, he poked his head out and looked left and right to see if he could spot the person that knocked on his door, but there was no one there, he went back inside his apartment and closed his door. Y/N then opened the envelope and read it's contents]

Y/N:"Dear Winner, you have been personally selected to make a difference here in the pearly gates that is heaven! where you Y/N yes you! can make a big difference, so get up and start heading to *address* now! where we can mold you into a person of great renown, so are you going to accept this invitation or are you going to throw this away like its spam in your email, decide now or else this letter will burst into flames -sincerely, Adam" wait what?!

[The letter then started to smoke, which caused Y/N to panic he then decided to make up his mind and accept the invitation before it could burn his apartment]

Y/N:*panicking*I accept, I accept!

[The letter then shot up and bursted into gold glitter which made a huge mess of Y/N's living room]

Y/N:*spits out glitter*well this gonna take forever to clean up, but that can wait I should get ready and head to the address the letter had, besides it's heaven what the worse that could happen

[Y/N then heads to his room and starts dressing up, after he is dressed he heads out his apartment and starts flying to the intended address, a while later we see him landing in an alley]

Y/N:this is where the letter says to be, but it's just an alley, I don't see a door or anything

[as Y/N starts walking into the alley and looks around, an exorcist pops up and starts to sneak behind him with a burlap sack, as she gets close to him she wraps the sack around Y/N's head]

Y/N:what the?!

[Y/N kicks the exorcist in the stomach sending her backwards, then two more exorcist appear from the roofs and fly down to assist the other exorcist]

Exorcist1:you two make sure he doesn't remove the sack, I'll have to subdue him

[The two exorcists nodded in agreement in what the first exorcist said, the two then rushed towards Y/N and proceeded to attack him but Y/N proved himself to be formidable as he countered each of the exorcist's attack while having a sack around his head]

Exorcist2:can you please hurry up and hold him!

Exorcist3:just shut up and i'm trying here

Y/N:who are you people?!

Exorcist1:enough of this!

[as Y/N pushed aside the two exorcists, the other exorcist came up to him and blew a sleeping powder into his face causing him to become drowsy and knocking him out in the progress]

Y/N:oh god...i'm getting mugged...and in heaven....the irony *faints*

Exorcist3:is he the last one?

Exorcist1:yeah he is, I can see why Adam sent the three of us, he is quiet formidable

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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