Family Dinner

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[We open the story with different Pov's of everyone in their rooms sleeping, Vaggie asleep without Charlie to be seen, Angel sleeping with fat nuggets cuddling him, Alastor asleep in his bed with a blanket that has radio patterns, Husk sleeping on his stomach with a bottle in his hand, Niffty sleeping while dreaming about about killing bugs, Sir Pentious sleeping coiled up with his Egg Boiz's, and then finally we move to Y/N's room where he is nowhere to be seen...where could he be? then finally we move down to the foyer where Charlie is dressed in her suit with Razzle and Dazzle by her side's.]

Charlie:okay guys I have something very special planned today for all of us today, are you two ready?

[Razzle and Dazzle nod their heads]


{Charlie pulls out a megaphone and sets it to *WAKE UP EVERYONE* setting]


[Everyone jumps out of their bed with their eyes wide open due to the loud noise that is Charlie, everyone takes a step out of their room looking at one another looking like a mess, Vaggie with bed head, Angel Dust with bags under his eyes, Husk with his fur disheveled, Niffty missing a slipper, Sir Pentious rubbing his eyes, and Alastor looking perfect as he woke up without looking like a mess]





Sir Pentious:Going-


Vaggie:*rubs her eyes*anyone's guess is good as mine, but we should probably head down to see what Charlie has going on

Angel Dust:ugh, it is way to early for this shit

Husk:agreed, couldn't this have wait until later I mean it only- *checks wrists and pockets for a watch* uh, does anyone here have a watch

Sir Pentious: right here Husk my friend *pulls out pocket watch* it is exactly 10:01 am *puts away pocket watch*


Alastor:well then we shouldn't diddle-daddle, come along now chums we must see what Charlie has called us for

[Everyone started to walk towards and down to the foyer all the while grumbling due to dislike of being woken up in the morning, as they walked down the stair's they saw Charlie smiling with her eyes sparkling, Razzle and Dazzle hold trays with cups of orange juice to hand out to everyone. With everyone down at the foyer standing in front of Charlie, Razzle and Dazzle proceed to hand out the orange juice to everyone while leaving one cup on the tray.]

Charlie: good morning everyone *raises her arms noticing she still has the megaphone in one hand* oh shoot no longer a need for this *puts away megaphone*

Vaggie:Charlie, Hon, can I ask why did you feel the need to call everyone down here with a megaphone

Angel Dust:Yeah, as much as I hate waking up from a good sleep like the next guy, you cloud've done this way better

Husk:this was a wake up call like I haven't ever heard before

Alastor:oh come along now, I think it was a nice change of pace of being woken up, now Charlie *takes a sip of his orange juice* what was it that you called us here for?

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