3 | Applesauce and Shurikens

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Rainforest Royal plaza
Morning ⛅


Firefly glanced across at their younger brother from the balcony, giving him the signature 'uh-oh' eyebrow raise.

"I looked into your future -"

"And you saw death, I know." Nightstar finished. "No need to plague me with your obsession with the Lord of the Bangles."

Firefly rolled their eyes, which was punctuated with another shrill sigh of 'Nightstarrrrr...' from inside.

"Yeeeeeeeeessssss, mother?" Nightstar called innocently.

Glory's head popped out of the Royal RainWing Plaza, and her and Nightstar made eye contact for a long two seconds.

After a while, Glory spoke again, softly. "It's alright. I'm not angry -"

"She's just disappointed." Deathbringer grinned, swinging in from the roof. At once, Firefly pounced on him, pinning his neck to the ground and whipping out a dagger from who knows where.

"HA!" They cried triumphantly, lowering the blade. "How's that for an ambush, dad?"

Deathbringer got up, completely unfazed, and drew Firefly in with a wing. "It was amazing. You're doing brilliantly! We'll make an assassin out of you yet."

"Yes, and Nightstar will learn to cook." Glory scoffed affectionately. "Come on. You know they start school soon. Firefly can't bring their... Weapons..."

"Yeeeess, yes, I know." They grinned, with a side wink at their father. As Glory disappeared back inside, Nightstar caught them whispering.

"Shurikens are most concealable, yes?"

Deathbringer subtly nodded whilst slipping inside after her. Nightstar smiled to himself as he watched his family disappear inside, contentedly full on - admittedly stolen - applesauce, and looking forward to the flight to Jade Mountain already.

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