4 | One big mess of a family

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Bay of a thousand scales
Mid-morning ⛅

"Lily, Flounder! The rest of the family is here!" Kinkajou called joyfully to her daughters from Turtle's study, where he was clearing up an ink spillage she'd accidentally created.

"I'll get the door!" Flounder cried.

"No, I will!" Lily protested, and the two bundled down the stairs in a mess of scales and wings. Kinkajou rolled her eyes and deftly stepped in front of them, thrusting the door back with a slam.

"Owww." Winter moaned, glaring half-heartedly at her when the door hit his snout. Everybody else - and there were quite a lot - laughed behind him.

"Raintail!" Lily called to their the Rain-Night hybrid. Flounder meanwhile was already bursting to show Halfmoon and Sandtracker her packed bag for Jade Mountain. The Night-Ice hybrid and the Night-Sand hybrid  followed Flounder up the stairs as soon as they were in the hut.

"Here, give me those." Moon smiled, scooping up her childrens' bags and stepping through the door.

"Where's Turtle?" She asked.

"In his study. He'll be out in a sec. But MOON it's so nice to see you, like HOW ARE YOU? HOW IS RAINTAIL DOES SHE REMEMBER ME?"

Moon laughed, settling back on the sofa and making space for her family to join her. Qibli lay on one side, Winter on the other. Kinkajou peered down from above, Turtle by her side.

"So they start school today, then..." Qibli sighed wistfully. Winter rolled his eyes at the very fake sadness coming from Qibli.

"They do." Moon whispered. "I'm excited for them."

"I wonder if they'll end up like us?" Turtle mused.

Kinkajou looked around at them: Her husband Turtle and her bestest, closest friend in the ENTIRE world Moon, and Moon's two husbands Winter and Qibli.

"We are one mess of a family, aren't we?" She smiled.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Turtle grinned.

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