2 | Where's my beret?

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Jewel Hive
Early morning 🌥

Amarillo sighed. "Muuuuuuum! Striker's stolen my hat again."

There came the sound of maniacal laughter from the stairs of their comb, and all of a sudden a bright purple SilkWing pelted down the hallways.

He was wearing not only Amarillo's dark green beret, but also his own sister's amethyst jewelry, and a pair of horribly salvaged capes.

"BEHOLD THE MIGHTY HIGHWAY PILFERER!" Striker yelled, zooming over their heads.

A door opened behind Amarillo, and a sleepy looking green SilkWing came to join her, rubbing her eyes.

"He's at it again, isn't he?" Cecropia yawned. Amarillo nodded.

"Today your darling brother is the Mighty Highway pilferer." Amarillo deadpanned as Striker soared over their heads again.

"Imagine not having WINGS!" He boasted. Cecropia stuck her tongue out at him, and the two girls skipped carelessly into the kitchen.

Their parents were waiting for them there. Amarillo's uncle Swordtail had his wing around aunt Luna, and was bashing his head repeatedly on the table. Meanwhile her own parents, Blue and Cricket, passed her a pancake.

"Freshly baked." Her mother chirped.

"Thanks." Amarillo took it and smiled.

Her father, Blue, sighed, resting his chin on the table. "I can't believe the flight is today. I can't believe you're going to a Pyrrhian School."

Cricket twined her tail around his encouragingly. "She'll be okay."

"They'll ALL be okay." Luna agreed, catching Striker out of midair as he landed on the fireplace.

"And that is my beret." Amarillo smirked, yoinking it off of his head.

"And my necklace" Cecropia chimed.

"All to good use?" Striker grinned cheekily. Amarillo, once again, rolled her eyes. She adjusted her beret over her head, covering the aquamarine blue antennae. She looked just like a HiveWing. Perfect.

No one had to know, and no one had to ask questions. She was going to like this school business.

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