6 | Moonfire and Star vomit

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Bay of a thousand scales
Mid-afternoon ☀️

"But I just want one spell!" Hyacinth complained. Her mother wouldn't listen.

As always. She never listened when she started talking about spells.

Hyacinth barrelled over in mid-air so that she was facing her mother directly. Anemone's pink sails fluttered gracefully beside Tamarin's as the family flew towards Jade Mountain Academy.

"Just one teensy weensy spell!"

"No. And that's final, Cynthia."

Hyacinth groaned, flipping back over and appearing by her other mother's side. "Pleeeeeassssee?"

Tamarin shook her head, her blind eyes staring forwards into nothingness. "Anemone said no, so it's a no."

"But I don't get it. What's so bad about using your abilities?"

Anemone stopped flying mid-flight, and flared her wings, closing her eyes ever so briefly. When she opened them, Hyacinth had never seen such remorse.

"You wouldn't understand." Her voice cracked. "Animus magic... You can't always control these things. It might end up doing something bad. I might end up doing something bad."

Closing her eyes again, Anemone shook her head and continued onwards.

Hyacinth flew beside them in silence. What do you mean? She screamed mentally.

They flew over the Diamond Spray Delta before long, and the open ocean morphed into floating bergs on a gently bobbing screen, like oil on water. The entire bog disgorged its offences of smell towards the heavens, be it reeking moss or rotten beavers or swarming flies. Stout warblers bellowed a cacophony of battering birdsong from the few and far lilypads in sight, most of which had drowned under the weight of a thousand frogspawns. They somehow reminded Hyacinth of her cousin Waterlily, in a strange and morbid way.

Wafting cattails grappled for Hyacinth's wings as she swooped after her mothers, reluctantly planting her talons in between the mud and sinking several inches.

She sighed, trying determinedly to ignore the squashy feel amongst her talons.

"Why are we stopping here?" She asked Tamarin, shimmying closer to the RainWing. But Tamarin didn't answer.

Moonfire and Star vomit. She cursed. They won't even talk to me now. Are spells really that bad?

All she wanted was to know her parents. She wasn't a fool - she knew two female dragons couldn't produce a Dragonet, no matter what they told her. But there were no records whatsoever of an adoption or a life before them...

Hyacinth found it strange, and strangely concerning.

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