9 | Eyes of a predator

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Jade Mountain Academy Central Hall
Evening ☁️

The hall was large; too large for Faithfinder. She could feel her wings being compressed to her sides as she walked, side by side with her brother, Stargazer. He was five years the elder, and never ceased to remind her that he was an adult and she was not.

"Come on, Faith." He bumped her side encouragingly as they passed under the gaping cave mouth. "No-one's going to kill you."

Faithfinder shot him a dirty look. "I never said that, did I?"

"Did you not?"

Faithfinder was growing tired of his incessant rambling already, and broke away at the first chance possible.

Stargazer seemed content to muse with the staff, anyway (being an assistant himself)

Faithfinder strolled over to tables of preserved fresh-kill - the live prey hadn't lasted long in the opening years of Jade Mountain - and reached down to pick a small jerboa, when she felt her talons brush another claw.

Faith's head snapped up and she was staring back into the eyes of a SeaWing and maybe RainWing hybrid, pale cream and lavender in colour.

Her eyes were piercingly judging.

Nothing else seemed to matter, just the eyes.

"Sorry." She eventually said stiffly. "Didn't see you."

Must've been pretty blind. Faithfinder thought ruefully. But those eyes, they were too accurate to be blind.

"Eyes." Faithfinder suddenly blurted.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh... I... Really like Jerboa eyes. That's why I picked this meat, mhm. Jerboa... Eyes. Mmmmm."

"Right." The dragon frowned, whilst sliding the jerboa indiscreetly back onto the table. "That's... Not weird at all."

"Who are you?" Faithfinder asked. "Wait wait, don't tell me... You look like a... Violeteyes!"

"First of all, no, I'm not a NightWing. And secondly, my name is Hyacinth."

"Ah." Faithfinder trailed. "Much more dignified."

"Indeed." Hyacinth snorted. "So. You're here as a student, too, I gather?" She said with a sort of disinterested drawl. Faithfinder nodded stiffly.

"Hope to see you around, then." She hissed, stalking away with a majestic lope.

Suddenly, Faithfinder realised what she'd found so disturbing about Hyacinth's eyes.

They were the eyes of a predator.

This dragon wasn't safe to be around...

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