11 | Strange SeaWing

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Jade Mountain Academy
Midnight 🌕

Hyacinth's new Clawmates were annoying, but at least they didn't talk to her.

Their LeafWing - a quiet, calm girl called Ginkgo - didn't seem to mind much about the lack of speech, and their IceWing had only arrived halfway through the evening anyway.

But now it was time.

What was the point in delaying a search she was just going to do later anyway? Jade Mountain Academy needed to be thoroughly combed. There had to bye some way to get her hands on some magic, somehow.

Hyacinth slipped out of her hammock and slowly crept across the cave, careful not to wake Ginkgo or Silver (the IceWing)

She paused.

Faithfinder would be asleep, wouldn't she? The last thing she needed was to run into that problem again. For some reason, she didn't trust her. And they'd only just met! It was so unfair.

But Faithfinder would be a problem for later.

On with the hunt, Hyacinth.

She darted smoothly past the hallways and started to make her way into the central hall, plucking a moonglobe off the walls to light her way. Where to first? Tsunami's office? Or a classroom?

Eventually, she decided on Tsunami's... Except... There was already a SeaWing in there.

Hyacinth sucked in a breath and hid behind a rock. Suddenly she realised that breathing loudly would draw attention to herself, and covered her mouth.

He was moving around the room, examining the shelves, and she had no idea what he was doing.

Just when she thought she was safe... He turned, and their eyes locked.

One moment, two. Something intangible passed between the pair of them, and then he spoke with a light smirk on his snout.

"What would a RainWing be doing in here?"

"I could say the same thing for a SeaWing." She snapped defensively.

"What am I doing in my own Mother's office?" He grinned.

"Even more concerning."

But then he laughed. Hyacinth wasn't expecting that.

"Who are you?" She demanded, trying to sound intimidating. "Tell me your name."

"Tidal." He agreed. "What about you?"

"What about me?" Hyacinth frowned.

"Well, who are you, of course!" Tidal laughed again, like it was obvious. "Come on, you can trust me."

That would still be determined, but unless she wanted him to pester her for eternity, she saw no other way to escape telling him. And maybe some part of her was a tiny bit sympathetic of that handsome snout.

"Hyacinth." She grumbled. She guessed the hunt was off, for today.

"Hyacinth..." Tidal mused. "Tidal and Hyacinth. They sound good, don't they?"

"I - well - I suppose so?"

"Hyacinth... Have you ever been down to the emerald pool?"

Hyacinth shook her head. She hadn't even known there was a pool.

"Would you let me show you?" He offered, holding out a claw.



She couldn't be distracted. She was here for a reason.



Against her will and mind, Having reached out to take his talon, but with a change of heart swatted it away playfully. "You can show me." She said. "But there will be NO claw holding, strange SeaWing."

"As you wish, bossy RainWing." He smiled.

Hyacinth smiled back.

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