7 | Ash of green Ginkgos

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Rainforest kingdom, Pyrrhia
Late afternoon ☁

"I like this place..." Ginkgo whispered. "It's not quiet, but it's more of a happy sort of bustle. Like all the animals are having a party." She smiled, brushing her wings against the bark of the jungle trees.

"Yeah, in my ears. Constantly. All day." Ash groaned.

"I'm with Ash." Sundew joked, flicking a howler monkey - yes, gently - off her tail. "Wil, why did we land here of all places?"

Willow laughed beside her, a sweet sounding warble like a bird of paradise. "It's Pyrrhia's famous rainforest kingdom! What's not to like!"

Ash glanced around sceptically. "The lack of dangerous killing plants. It makes me feel unsafe."

"That's what makes you feel unsafe?" Ginkgo nudged her sister.

"Come on, you two, eat a sloth or a mango or...  or just sit and procrastinate, whatever. We're leaving for Jade Mountain in about an hour." Sundew encouraged.

Ash and Ginkgo ambled off into the forest, Willow trailing after them absently. Of course they didn't know they were adopted. Of course Sundew hadn't planned to adopt them, either.

But saying you don't want children is a lot different to finding two half starved, raggedy Dragonets in the midst of a Waterwheel plant's grip...

No one, not even Sundew, could leave them alone.

Somewhere a little while off, she could hear Ginkgo asking Willow politely to read the next chapter of their favourite story. It was Willow's favourite too, and no doubt she'd have to go and hurry them up soon.

'Ash of Green Ginkgos?' she heard Willow reply.

Ash laughed. "I can't believe you named us after a book."

"Not just any book," Willow grinned. "The best book on Pantala! Now that's a name for my little darlings."

Sundew smiled contentedly. Her family really was the best.

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