5 | Dragonets will be Dragonets

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Jade Mountain Academy entrance outcrop
Midday ☀️

On the outskirts of the towering mountain, Jade Mountain Academy's rocky outcrop was bathed in a natural shade. The squawking of seagulls filled the bitter air, drowning out the wingbeats of approaching dragons. Upon the entrance field, three SkyWing-MudWing dragonets were gambolling around in the sunlight like wolf-pups.

"Quick!" Swift called to her brothers, giggling hysterically. "The SeaWings are attacking! Get them!"

A little way away, two chocolate coloured twins pounced on the flailing tail of a smaller, pale blue SeaWing who shrieked with glee. The sweltering summer heat beat down on all of them.

"Not too rough, Quail, Hawthorne." The Dragonets' father called to them from under the shade of a spindly tree. "Or I won't catch you another chicken for a whole week!"

Both of his sons gasped in horror, while Swift and Clay laughed. Tsunami, the mother of the blue dragonet, nudged Clay as he watched them play.

"You wouldn't." She grinned. "You're more obsessed with food than they are."

Swift, Quail, Hawthorne and the little SeaWing who was called Mudskipper stopped their game and padded over to their parents tiredly.

"I'm excited." Mudskipper mumbled. "I want to go to Jade Mountain!"

Riptide grinned from where he was lounging next to Tsunami. "Soon, Muddy. Just a few more hours."

"Where's big bro and sis?" He frowned, peering over Riptide's shoulder as if he expected them to be there.

"Abyss and Tidal have gone fishing with aunt Peril." Tsunami laid a claw on her son's back. "They'll be back soon."

Losing interest, Quail dragged Hawthorne away to continue their play fighting. "Mudskipper!" They called. "Come on! You're supposed to be attacking us!"

"No thanks." Mudskipper yawned as he curled up under Riptide's wing. "I think I'll just sleep."

Clay beamed at Tsunami as the little blue Dragonet lodged himself into a ball. The last thing Mudskipper saw before drifting off was another pair of blue eyes staring right into his, inquisitively.

Some sort of sunny, sparkling hybrid... He was smiling warmly at him...

Never matter. He could talk to them later. Maybe.

Mudskipper smiled back, and tucked his head under his wing. When he awoke, the hybrid had gone.

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