10 | Very annoying glue

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Jade Mountain Academy
Evening ☁️

Firefish wasn't listening to Tsunami's speech, she was barely listening to her own rapidly thrumming heartbeat.


And oh pooh, who cared if her fool of a brother was trying to challenge authority, he wasn't her responsibility.

Firefish was going to find some new friends, and stick to them like glue. Very annoying, perpetually chattering glue.

The only choice was, who?

Firefish was jostling for space in the hall, trying to keep her target dragons in sight. There was a nice looking NightWing who looked like she needed a friend. Well, actually no, she looked like she'd seen death's door.

But that was the same as needing a friend, right?

Firefish loped over rather ungracefully, and was surprised when the NightWing flared her wings protectively.

"Hey!" Firefish cried. "Hi! Hello. I'm not going to hurt you. Actually I'm not much of a dragon hurter. Just a kitchen burner." Realising this probably wasn't the most welcoming, she gave an enthusiastic smile.

"Um. Hi. I'm Faithfinder?" She squeaked.

"I'm FIREFISH, it is brilliant to meet you." She declared, violently shaking Faithfinder's claw. "Where are you headed?"

"T-to my sleeping cave?" She frowned. "I'm in cave 3A."

Firefish gasped. If she had a mic - or indeed if she knew what a mic was, being a dragon - she wouldn't just have dropped it, but threw it into the crowd. And maybe knocked someone out.


"No WAY! That's my dorm too!"

"Delightful." Faithfinder deadpanned.

Together the two of the set off down the hallway, in search of their room. (Well, Faithfinder set off, and Firefish followed her, chattering like an incessant bird)

"Did you know I have a brother? Well, I didn't until he hatched either. He's quite annoying actually. He'll write you violent poetry that makes you want to die - no, seriously, Nox is so weird! If he tries to stalk you, let me know, I'll bash his head in with a saucepan for you. Oooh, let's do that anyway. Wouldn't that be fun? Faith? Faith. Faith. Faithfinder. Did your parents mean to name you that? Wow. Faith. Faaaaaiiithfinder."

"Look." Faithfinder suddenly turned. "Seriously. Firefish, can you just be quiet for five minutes?"

Firefish frowned. "Is that a challenge OH IS THAT A BET BRING IT ON"

They got to the dorm, and although Firefish was silent (Ish), the pair were greeted with an even more unexpected view.

A pink SilkWing was standing meekly in their doorway, clutching a scroll and a library card. Their Clawmate had arrived before them.

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