(Dynamite Battle/ Quaddrive) Devil Shu Kurenai x 'Human' Reader

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Requested: Shukurenai143

Thanks for the request^^. I hope this one I wrote goes well and it will be many words. :)

Their age will be 21 in DB version.

Type of this story:
(❤ + 💔 + 🙃)

Enjoy to read and the ending will be angst.


The Satanas Hell Kingdom
Inside the palace,

(Third Person's POV)

An albino devil guy was walking through the hall after he get called by the devil king a.k.a his father to meet him.

Entered into the hall place where the king and the prince place on their own throne as he saw his father was staring to the crystal ball.

He approached to his father/ the devil king with a small bow. Mr. Kurenai knew his son came here without looking at him.

"You called me, father?"

"Yes, son. The reason I called you here because I have a mission for you." The albino devil made eye burrowed at his father.

"What's my mission?"

"Your mission is to kill that human girl at human world."

Mr. Kurenai said in dark tone, pointed to the crystal ball had shown a (h/c)nette who look Shu's age is reading book under the tree.

Shu watched that girl read the book with a bright smile on her face making his expression in disgust because he hated human as well as his father.

"You want me to kill that human girl who was reading the book?"

"Yes. When you go to the human world, you had to pretend to be her friend and not fall for her. After you gain her trust, kill her with no mercy."

After saying a mission to Shu, the albino devil mentally note from his father with evil grins, thinking he will kill humans.

Not only humans, angels too Shu would kill because he was a ruthless devil in Satanas Hell Kingdom. (Sucks the kingdom name 🙃)

"Alright father, I won't fail my mission and willing to kill that pathetic human girl. I won't show a mercy on her."

Shu kept his words and really meant it since he never felt any pity on humane. Mr. Kurenai smiled at his son.

"That's my son. Now, go to the human world and remember, do not fall for that human."

"I won't, father. It's not like I had a feeling to that b****. I'm leaving now, father."

"Be safe at human world."

Shu opened the portal to go to the light world and find his own place to stay. He entered to the portal as it closed.

"I hope you won't disappoint me, Shu. Someday, she will be suffer."


💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now