2-Down We Go

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Kel was walking down the street when he saw someone he recognized. "Wait up!!" He shouts. He wasn't exactly worried about the person not knowing him because his scraggly voice is hard to forget.

The figure turned around just to get pumbled to the ground by Kel. "WOAH-!" The smaller boy said as he tumbled down. They both hit the ground hard, but Kel's arms served as a shield on the small boy's ass so he didn't hurt it.

"K-Kel?" The small boy announced. "Yep, it's me!" Kel said with excitement. "Good to know you still got it in you..." The small boy says as he trys to squirm out of Kel's tackle hug. "Oh- am I squishing you?" Kel says worriedly and let's the boy go.

"No, it's fine.." The small boy says as he takes to his feet. "Say, why did you tackle me anyways? It's not like you've waited a year to see me!" The small boy says with a smile. "Yeah but it felt like a year" Kel complained.

This boy meant a lot to Kel. He's Kel's dream boy, after all. And at this point, I bet you can figure out who this mystery boy is. It's Basil.

Once Kel had gotten to his feet aswell, we opened his arms out, asking for a hug. A hug that wouldn't endure permanent ass pain. Basil accepted the invitation to the embrace, making an attempt to wrap himself around Kel like a koala.

After a hug that lasted years, the two boys let go of the hug and Basil was able to stand flat on his feet again. "Did anyone ever tell you that you're and amazing hugger?" Basil asked as a compliment.

Kel took a second to think, not knowing it was a rhetorical question. "I don't think so..."

"It was a rhetorical question, silly" Basil said, still holding the same smile. "What's rhetorical?" Kel asks. He was never the sharpest tool in the shed. That title went to his brother. Hero was brains and beauty and Kel was buff and beastly.

"It means i didn't want an answer, it was  compliment question." Basil explained to the puzzled Kel that stood before him.

"Oh, then why didn't you just say 'you're a good hugger' and not ask a question?" The still dumbfounded Kel asks. "I was just trying to compliment you, Kel!" Basil laughs. "Sorry...but thank you though!" Kel smiles. "You're welcome, Kel"

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