4-Only For You

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He finished drying his hair off and brushing through it slightly with his hands. He tried his best to look good for Basil.

He thought about it in the shower. Whether or not to mention that he likes Basil and wants to be his boyfriend. He had decided to make an attempt, to get it out and dominate his bad thoughts on the matter.

He was still naked when he realized that he forgot to grab clothes before going to the bathroom. "This sucks.." He murmurs to himself.

He grabs his phone in his left hand and holds his towel up with his right, then using a few fingers to turn the knob on the door. He opens it and feels the cold air of the house rush onto him compared to the warm bathroom. It wasn't a big difference though due to the fact that he took a warm shower, so not too much steam heated the room.

He jogs over to his room and quickly opens the door. He face plants onto his bed, letting go of his towel so he doesn't land on hid hand and hurt himself. He then gets up and walks over to his closet, quickly grabbing his clothes. He puts them on and goes back to his closet, grabbing a hoodie. "It might be cold tonight so might as well" He says quietly, putting it on.

He checks the time. 6:34 pm. "Greatttt" He says with a sarcastic sigh. "I have to wait 30 whole minutes. Ugh" He complains, clearly annoyed. "Heh, I sound like Aubrey..!" He laughs gently.

"Ugh oh my gooooooddddd, my nail bat is missing a nailllll" He giggles, trying to sound like Aubrey. "My hair isn't pink enoughhhhhh" He whines as he gets up.

"Acting like Aubrey is fun!" He announced. He stood and thought of something else he could say that would sound like Aubrey. "Oh i got it!" He jumps. "Kel is such a gay little loser and nobody loves himmm" He groans and begins to laugh hard. "Aubrey would totally say that about me!!" He says, still laughing.

Once he had finally calmed down, it was about 6:42. "Oh, nice!" He said with excitement. Only 18 more minutes and he got to see Basil.

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