8-That's What She Said

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"You know, I don't really wanna play basketball anymore, I wanna go..it's cold!" Kel says with a forced shiver. "Ok, sounds good to me" Basil says, lifting his head off of Kel's chest.

"Do you mind walking me home, baby..?" Basil asks. "Nope! Not at all! I'll walk you home, come on!" Kel announced, standing up with Basil's hand in his own.

They both begin walking-hand in hand-out of the park. Kel's cold body heat fused with Basil's warm body heat at their hands as they walked, creating a luke-warm temperature.

Once they reach Basil's house, Basil let's go of Kel's hand. "T-Thank you, baby, for bringing me home.." Basil says with a smile. "It's no problem at all, honey! It's actually a pleasure to do so!" Kel smiles back.

"Say, would you mind staying at my place tonight..to..keep me company..?" Basil asks, quieter than before. Without thinking, Kel replies "Sure! Why not?"

"Great!" Excitement radiated off of Basil like heat off the sun. Basil took Kel'd hand again and lead him to his front door. He rustled around in his pocket with his free hand for a good minute before finding his keys and unlocking the door, opening up to a floral scent and dim lit home.

"No need to take your shoes off in here, you can in my room" Basil suggests. "Oh uh..ok!" Kel says with confusion.

In his household, if your shoes were caught past the couch in the living room, you'd get your ass beat no matter your age.

They reach Basil's room and Basil opens the door. Basil throws his bag onto his bed and insructs Kel to do the same with his ball.

They take their shoes off and sit on the open space on Basil's comfy bed. "You know, it's been a long time since I've had somebody over.." Basil confesses. "Yeah, i know how you feel. When everyone got sick, nobody was allowed in or out in my household." Kel says with sorrow in his tone.

"Ah, I see.." Basil replies. "Must be hard for such a social butterfly like you!" Basil giggles. "Yeah! It's hard as shit!" Kel agrees.

"Heh...that's what she said.." Basil adds.

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