Chapter. 11 The attack alone

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Fang wanted to be more brave like skull so one day while the pack was busy she set off on a small narrow trail. She trotted along and tried to find some prey to hunt. Her anxiety tried to take over but she stayed strong. She wanted to turn back but didn't. She stopped as she listened in the bushes. "Hello? Is someone there?" She called out as she whipped her head around. Whoosh! A ice wolf barreled toward her and knocked her over. Fang cried. "Let me go! Please!" She cried out. She finally got free and stood up. The ice wolf swung at her face and scratched her face. She stood still and stared at the black ice wolf.

The ice wolf raised his paw but stopped mid swing. His eyes widened. "Shadow! Kill her!" Checkers robotic voice called from the bushes. "I-i can't! I cant move!" Shadow said. He stared behind fang. A big black shadow wolf stood there. One red eye showing on its face. Black shadow hair covering the other. A black aura appeared all around it as it began to float behind fang. "Get away from her" A distorted voice called into shadows ear. Only shadow could hear the voice, nobody else. He stood terrified. The wind picked up and knocked shadow down. "GET AWAY" The shadows voice called again. Shadow rose to his paws and quickly ran off. Checker chased after him. The shadow looked a lot like dark Knight, that was dark Knight protecting fang on his shadow spirit.

Fang quickly ran home crying. Night paw and Zara ran to her. "What happened?!" Night paw said as he wiped the blood off her face with his paw. Fang cried into night paws fur. "I'm sorry mom and dad! I wanted to be brave" Fang sniffled as she admitted. "Shh sh sh" Night shushed fang as she walked her to toxics den. "It's okay just don't do that again" Zara said as she followed them. Zara stood with fang in toxics den while night paw stormed out of camp. He sprinted to the new border. "COME OUT CHECKER!" Night paw yelled into the snowy land. "Hurt my daughter again and I swear your gonna get your skull crushed!" Night paw yelled again as he stood there waiting.

Checker flew at him and scratched him. Night paw pinned him. "Don't you dare ever come near me and my pack ever again!" Night paw yelled in his face. Checker gave up and growled at night paw. Checker walked back to his territory with an annoyed look. Night paw made sure he went fully home. Night paw whipped his body around and ran home quickly. He checked on fang. Fang summer fine, just a scar will remain.

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