Sent Away

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( The war for Cybertron has not been kind to both sides. With both Autobots and  Decepticons running low on energon. After Megatron poisend their planetwith dark energon. Currently another grand battle was taking place.  Optimus was currently leading a swarm of Autobots in a battle against Megatron and his Decepticons. Meanwhile, Metroplex was in a battle agaisnt  Trypticon, and the autobot combiner  Superion was in a battle agaisnt Bruticus. Eleswere, the Rust Renagades where fighting their way to a shuttle bay. While escorting their closest friend and their leaders sparkmate. An autobot by the name of Ace.  They were on their way to meet up with Ace's mother Elita one)

" ( Quickly ducks behind cover and  then transfoms his left arm into a blaster). Why does my mother want me to meet her a base in the middle of a battle. I just don't get it." Said Ace as she blast a group of decepticons. " We'll worry about that later, for now. Let's just worry about reaching your mother and then we can leave this area as fast as we can. I don't think it would be of any help if anyone if we stayed here." Said Pyra Magna as she watched  Metroplex batt Trypticon. "  Maybe we can get some ariel survelience if me and my sister transformed. We'd be able to alert you of when you guys would reach her." said Stormclash. " No, the battle in the sky is already hectic enough. If you went up there, you'd only endanger yourself, I don't want to lose anyoen that I connsider a part of my family." Said  Ace as they made their way close to where they would meet Elita.

" ( Looks around the battle firle from the  balcony of the building that she was in. While shooting at  any Decepticons that she spots). Chromina, Moonracer,  do you two have eyes on my son and the Renagades?" Asked Elita. " Nothing yet,  but are you sure that you didn't want to tell  Arcee about this. You know how she'll feel about your nephew." Said Chromia as she bashed  a decepticon with her shield. " " It's becasue of how she feels about my son, that I didn't tell her." Said  Elita.  " ( Trades punches with Optimus and then grapples with him).  You and your men are giving off a very valinet fight Optimus. It's almost s if theires something, or someone here, that you don't want anyone to find. Could it be that there is an ancient relic of our ancestors here in this secotor. Or, is there someone of great imortance here. that you are trying to keep me from finding. Whatever the reason. I will find out what it is. " Said  Megatron as he struggles with  Optimus in their grapple of power and strength. " That is somthing that will never come to pass Megatron. You and for forces will be drivven from this secoter. We will not let destroy more of our once great home." Said  Optimus as she he broke the graapple and then puched Megatron in the face three times and then kickked him away.

" ( quickly runs in front of the group  and then spots Moonracer). I see Moonracer, she's up on that balcony. Which means my mother is not far behind. Lets hurry and get inside." Said Ace. " Right behind you Ace. But we need to hurry, it's getting more and more hetic  the longer we stay here." Said Dustup. " Wait a second guys, I spotted moonracer and  Chromia. Elita may be inside but wheres Arcee. Ever since Ace was born, the sisters have always fought toghether. So were exactly is she. She'd always tell us where she's going or whatever mission thats she's going on." Said Jumpstream as they reached the buidling. " Good, you all made it. Quickly, head up to the top floor. Elita is waitng for you up there." Said Chromia. " Will do, come on gange lets this done and go home." Said Stormclash as they ran to the top floor where they found Elita waiting for them. " Pyra, can you and the renagades help Moonracer provide sniper fire? There's something that i need to give my son." Said Elita. " Fine but make it quick,  we need to be gone before this pace gets worse. Said  Pyra as she and her team helped  moonracer shoot ant any incoming decepticons.

" So mom, what is it that so important that you need me to come here? Asked Ace. " ( Hands Ace the Enigma of Combination). This is the Enigma of  Combination. It's what allowed combiners like Superion and  bruticus to be brought into our war. I'm trusting you with this." Said Elita. " Thanks mom, I won't let you down." Said  Ace as he turns his back to Elita. Not noticing her press a button as a hidden hatch to a shuttle opens. " I know you won't Ace and I'm very sorry for what I must do." Said Elita as used a stun device that temperarly stuns Ace. Before quickly  putting  both  Ace and the Enigma of combination inside the shuttle. Elita then activates the shuttle which launches from its Platform as a female voice yells" WHAT ARE YOU DOING". " ( Glares at Elita and then punches her in the face as Ace's shuttle takes off). You hit your own son with a stun lazer and then tossed him into the shuttle that could have fit him and the Rust Renagades. Have you lost your mind Elita. You just put a target on your own sons back and now he has no protection from where ever he lands." Said  Arcee in anger.

" ( Watches in worry and sadness as  Ace's shuttle flies off. Beofre quickly trying to contact him). Ace, ace can you here me? Asked Pyra in worry. " ( Slowly and shakely gets up and then looks through the window that is showing the battle going on bellow). P-pyra, is that you?" Asked Ace Weakly. "It's me Ace, I'm here. Are you ok? Said  Pyra. " I'm sorry, it looks like we won't get to spend that any more time like we wanted. I'll miss you, tell the rest of gang that I hope we'll see each other again." Said  Ace as he fell unconcious,  due to the effects of the shock. " Don't talk like that Ace, we'll find you ok. ( Doesn't hear a response and then grows more worried).  ACE, ACE,  I SWEAR WE WILL FIND YOU.  I PROMISE YOU, WE WILL FIND YOU! ( Looks at the rest of the Rust Renagades). Come on girls, we're leaving. ( Leaves the buidling but then looks at Elita).  You've use endagered your son and my sparkmate. I will never see you as someone deserving of the title of second in command. " Said  Pyra Magna as she and the Rust Renagades, transfored into their vehicle modes and left the base.

 " ( Turns to glare at Elita). I knew something was wiered when you sudnely had me stationed somewere else. How could you do that to yournown son Elita, does Optimus even know what you've done? ( Watches Elita Look away and then gasped). You only told him that you would be sending the Enigma away, dind't you.  I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT YOU WOULD DO THAT! Your no sister of mine. I'm gonna go I'm gone from here." Said Arcee as she transformed into her vehicle mode and drove off.  

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