Titans/Combiners battle on

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( Play this song for this part of the chapter)

( The battle between the autobots and decepticons. With a battle in the sky happening as well. Where  Jetfire, Air Raid, Silverbolt, Skydive, Firefly, Slingshot, Powerglide, Airstrike, Driftwing, Maxima, Nightbird, Windlance, and a swarm of Military fight jets led by Agent Fowler.  Began a dogfight in the sky. Against a swarm of decepticon fliers led by Thundercracker, Skywarp, Starscream, Deathlarc, Mayday, and Nightspin. As for the Titans, while Metroplex and  Trypticon kept their battle in the nearby ocean. Fortress Maximus continued his battle against  Scorponok within the city. Ace and Cleric's battle took place in another sector of the city)

" (  Dodges a punch from Metroplex and then tries to tail whip him). It seems that more of our brothers have awakened Metrplex.  Now we can have even more fun in this battle. " Said  Trypticon as he bit  Metroplex's left arm. " There is no fun to be had  Trypticon,  for your evil shall not permeate this world, nor that of Scorponok's. Fortress Maximus and I shall  stop you here and now." Said Metroplex as he broke free from Tryptcon and then grabbed him. " (  Grapples with  Fortress  Maximus and then smiles). It seems as though we must continue our grand battle my old adversary. " Said  Scorponock. " Indeed, for I will not allow you to endanger the lives of these sentient beings. Your evil, must stop here." Said Fortress Maximus as he broke the grapple and then punched Scorpinok in the face.

" ( Trades punches and kicks with Optimus and then jumps away from him). The young prime continues to both impress me as well as irritate me. Almost as much as you, Optimus. He even has some of your flare to, never disappoint." Said Megatron. " Indeed Megatron, that is why. When the time comes, I know that I can leave our planet.  In the capable hands, of the next generation. After all, the young Prime. Is nun other than my son Ace Pax." Said  Optimus which shocked Megatron. " (Overhears what Optimus has just said and then looks over to where Ace and Cleric are fighting). So the young prime is the same boy that has gained my respect. Well then, he has just raised the bar in my expectations. To be able to call apon a titan. He must have the same ability as the city speaker. That is very interesting." Said Slipstream as she dodged a kick from Elita. 

" You stay away from my son Slipstream. You will go nowhere near him." Said  Elita. " ( Chromia away and then looks at Elita). On the contrary Elita,  we don't want to hurt him. We owe him a life dept. One that we can never repay. He and the Torch Bearers saved us from a fate worse than death. That is why we find it unforgivable. That you who are the boy's mother,  his carrier. Would choose to only spend time with him when it suited you. You are no member of our female cybertronion race. You are a deserter.  Come  Slipstream, Flamewar. It is time that we did not hold back against these two. ( Points to Elita and Chromia). Leave Moonracer, our quarrel is not with someone someone who does her job as an auntie, similar to Arcee. The two of you are ok in our book. However, these two are not." Said Shatter. " ( Thinks about something and then realizes something. You three were there when elita sent  Ace into space. You heard what was said Between Arcee, and Pyra." Said  Moonracer as she slowly backed away. " We even saw what happened. No go Moonracer, join up with Arcee, or find someone else to fight. We will not fight you." Said Slipstream as she watched  Moonracer back away. " I'm sorry Elita, Chromia. But Arcee was right. The two of you have fallen far from the sisters we once knew." said  Moonracer as she ran to join Arcee. While Slipstream, Shatter, and Flamewar attacked Chromia and Elita.

( End song here )

( Cleric)

( Cleric)

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