Loss of the Enigma

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( Once Ace, the Renegades, Optimus, Arcee, Chromia, Moonracer, and Elita-one waled through the groundbridge. There, they arrived aboard the Inferno, where they were introduced to the rest of the ship's crew) 

" Welcome to the Inferno,  here we monitor any and all Decepticon or Energon disturbances. " Said Ace. " So this is where the Torch Bearers have been,  but what about you Ace? Where's the shuttle that your mother had sent you in?" Asked  Arcee.  " We brought it aboard the ship after  Ace had woke us up from our cryo sleep. We even installed the energon converter that was in the shuttle and made a second one so that we can produce energon faster." Said Stormclash. " ( Looks at  Ace). It seems that you are doing, what I believed you always had the skill to do  Ace. You have become a true leader to these people." Said Optimus. " I'll say, you guys have been giving the cons a real thrashing. They sometimes stay quiet for a certain amount of weeks or even a month Before they show themselves again. You guys even leave traps inside energon mines that have taken out a lot of their forces. Megatron's been getting very angry because of what you've been up to." Said Arcee. 

" Thanks auntie, dad, that means a lot coming from you guys." Said  Ace with a smile. " If you don't mind me asking  Ace. The last time we saw you,  your mom put the Enigma of Combination inside your shuttle. Do you still have it?" Said  Moonracer. " Yeah I have it, It's in the vault safe and sound." Said Ace.  "Thats good, with it in your hands. We'll have one edge over the cons." Said  Chromia. " Thanks,  now let's head over to the bridge." Said  Ace, as he and the rest of the group headed toward the bridge. Not knowing that Elita had walked away from the group. " ( Walks over to the  Vault and puts in her code).  I'm glad that you were able to protect the  Enigma, my dear boy. ( Walks into the vault room and then grabs the Enigma of  Combination). But it's time that we look after it from now on." Said  Elita as she placed the Enigma inside her subspace on the left side of her waist. Before rejoining the rest of the group. 

" This is a great setup that you have here Ace. Just remember to keep yourself and your team safe ok." Said Arcee. " I will auntie, now I think it's time we sent you guys back home." Said  Ace as they headed to the groundbridge control room. " ( Signals for  Stormclash to activate the ground bridge and then watches as the groundbridge portal appears. Before turning to Optimus and his group). It was nice seeing you guys again, sorry we can't help as much as you probably would want." Said Ace. " ( Gives Ace a tight hug). You being here is all I'll ever need, to keep me going in this fight." Said  Arcee as she let Ace go, while Moonracer and Chromia walked through the groundbridge. " You have your mission Ace and we have ours. As long as you fight to protect the people of this planet." Said Optimus. " You know we will dad. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings after all." Said Ace, as Optimus and Arcee smiled at him. Before walking through the groundbridge with Elita following close behind.

( Seven hours later, after returning to base. Elita led a mission with  Arcee, Bumblebee, Moonracer and Chromia)

" ( Punches Megatron in the face and then kicks him away). This has to stop Megatron,   your ambition destroyed our home and cost so many lives. For what the title of Prime, or the notion to become our planet's new leader." Said Elita as she was sent flying and knocked to the ground by a hard punch to her face by Megatron. " to destroy the corrupt system that had plagued our world for millennia. A system, that would place those they deemed at the bottom to be of no importance. I fight to restore cybertron, to its former glory." Said Megatron as he caught a left punch from Elita using his right hand. " What glory, you tried to change things by force instead of doing things peacefully. You let your ambition consume you. You even corrupted our planet even more when you threw dark energon at it. Just so you could bring an army of our fallen brothers and sisters. Which is preventing our home from restoring itself." Said Elita until she was kicked away by Megatron. 

" Do not try to lecture me about my actions Elita.  ( Puched Elita in the face two times and then kicked her down and then pinned her to the ground by stomping on her cheast). WHAT I DID, I DID FOR OUR PEOPLE! (   jabs his right hand into Elita's left waist area and then feels something). What do we have here? ( Takes the Enigma of Combination out of Elita's subspace). The Enigma, I haven't seen this since the battle of Concordia. Were you autobots fought tooth and nail to allow an autobot shuttle to flee our planet. ( Watches as Elita looks at him in shock). Spare me your shocked expression Elita. It was not hard to figure out. Decepticons, we are leaving. " Said Megatron as he and his decepticons left the battlefield through a groundbridge. " ( Quickly runs over to Elita and then helps her up). Elita, are you ok? Asked Chromia. " I'm fine Chromia, let's return to base for now." Said Elita with a Salome look,  which caught Arcee's attention. " Sure thing Elita." Said  Moonracer as  Bumblebee contacted Ratchet for a ground bridge. " ( Thinks to herself). What exactly were Elita and Megatron talking about and what was that in his hand." Said  Arcee as she followed the rest of her group through their groundbridge.

( Back aboard the Inferno)

" ( Sits in his and Pyra's room, while holding  Pyra's hand). It was nice to see my dad again. I only hope that they can finally end this war." Said Ace. " If there's anyone that can stop this war. It's your father and his team. You know that just as much as me." Said Pyra until  Skyburst suddenly burst into their room. "  WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM!"  Said Skyburst as she ran out of the room with  Pyra and  Ace running right behind them. Until they finally reached the vault where the Enigma was kept. Only to find that the vault was empty, with no sign of the Enigma. "  What, but how, this place is locked up tight and the only one that can get in here is one of us, Renegades or Ace." Said Pyra. " ( Thinks for a second and then growls). I think I know what happened. I should realized this sooner, my mother took the enigma from the vault using her access code. Since anyone that is a SIC to my father has an access code that is attuned to every Autobot shield and saved into the ship's database after its construction." Said  Ace. " ( Tights her fist in anger before slamming that same fist into the wall close to her). Darn it Elita,  you may have just doomed us all. That was the only edge we had against the Decepticons. ( Looks at  Ace). We need to get the Enigma back. or I fear we may be in far more danger." Said Pyra a she and Ace looked at the empty vault.

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