Arise Stunticons/Bring Forth Menasor

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( It has been a month since the decepticons had taken the Enigma of  Combination from Elita. Since then, Megatron had called in some extra backup in the form of the Stunicons. Decepticon warriors that had been traversing the galaxy.  Due to the Stunticon's arrival. Team Prime has had to fight even harder than before. As for Ace's group. They have been keeping to themselves for the most part. Refiling their energon Supplies and keeping the decepticons from finding and retrieving any ancient relics. Such as the immobilizer, The Spark Extractor,  the phase shifter, and the forge of Solus Prime. There was an interesting factor when it came to the Forge of Solus Prime. Was during the battle for who would possess it. When both the Decepticons and team Prime, watched Ace. Who had his viser activated at the time? Pick up the forge with one hand, as a battle mask similar to Optimus began to glow as it activated and covered his mouth. Before watching  Ace and his team leave with the relic)

" ( Slammed his fist on the armrest of his throne in anger). That second group of Autobots had throated my plans at every turn. Just as a relic is within my grasp. Their leader swipes it from me. It is even worse that the young bot is one with the makings of a Prime. ( Looksa t  Shockwave). Shockwave, how has the experiment progressed? Are they ready for their first filed test?" Said Said Megatron. " Indeed lord Megatron.  they are ready to begin their first mission." Said Shockwave. " Then let us begin, Decepticons  prepare for battle." Said  Megatron as he and a swarm of his decepticons, including the Stunticons. Ran through a groundbridge, and prepared for their battle with the autobots.

( Three hours later, the battle between the autobots and the decepticons has begun. With both sides shooting at one another.  Ace's group is watching from behind the cover of a few buildings three blocks away)

" Why are the decepticons choosing to battle your father and his team here?  There's nothing of value here. " Said Stormclash. " Yeah, it's like their out here for something other than a relic." Said Jumpstream. " ( Spots the Stunticons). We've got bigger problems team, remember them." Said Pyra Magna. " The Stunticons, he brought the Stunticons here. Then that means  that he intends to." Said Rustdust. " He intends to use it on them." Said Stormclash. " ( Contacts Windlance, Nightbird, Maxima, and Driftwing). Burners,  get ready. We may have a new combiner on our hands. In the form of the Stunticons." Said Ace on his comlink. " We're ready to go boss, just give the word." Said Windlance.

( Over with Team Prime)

" Optimus, our battle has gone on for millennia,  but our battle here has only just begun. ( Holds up the Enigma of Combination which shocks the members of Team Prime). The Enigma of  Combination, created by one of the thirteen original Primes. The first Cobminer, Nexus Prime." Said Megatron with glee. " The Enigma, Megatron. How is it that you possess it?" Asked  Optimus in worry. "   On the contrary Prime.  During the battle of Concordia, I knew something was interesting as to why you autobots fought so hard. In order for a shuttle to escape the raging battle. Imagine my surprise when during my recent battle with Elita. I come into possession of this relic. After tearing from her body in order to claim it for my own. STUNTICONS, UNITE!"  Said Megatron as the Stunticons combined.

( Menasor)


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"  BE HOLD, MENASOR!  MY INSTRUMENT OF YOUR DEFEAT. MENASOR, DESTROY THEM!" Yelled  Megatron as his Decepticon Combiner attacked Optimus and his team. " Change of  Plans team,   Mercy, can you provide cover fire while the Burners provide air support." Said  Ace. " What's the plan, Ace?" Asked  Pyra as Ace's battle mask activated. I'm taking back the Enigma,  I need two of you to watch my back while the others assist with cover fire. " Me and Dustup will go, we're the fastest, with Pyra and  Rust dust being second." Said Jumpstream." Ok then, let's get to it. Mercy,  on your go." Said Ace as he, Dustup, and  Jumpstream hanged into their vehicle modes.

" ( Continues to shoot at Menasor alongside his fellow members of team Prime). Autobots, fall back, fall back not." Said  Optimus as he and his team continued to shoot  Menasor while backing up away from him. " There is nowhere for you to run Prime. This battle has been won, and when I'm done with you. I'll get rid of the newest member to the prime lineage." Said  Megatron with glee. " ( Watches as the Enigma is shot out of Megatron's hands). If you wanted my attention  Megatron,  all you had to do was ask. ( Transforms into his robot mode and then kicks  Megatron in the face. Before quickly grabbing the Enigma of Combination and then lands in a crouched position). But that'll have to wait till next time. For now, we best be going." Said  Ace as he transformed into his  Vehicle mode and zoomed away from Megatron. While  Windlance and the rest of the Burners launched Rockets at  Megatron and his decepticons.

" Alright Gidra, open a bridge at my location. We're done here. " Said Pyra, as a ground bridge appeared behind her. " See you guys later. "Said Rustdust as she, Mercy, the burners, Dustup, Jumpstream, Stormclash, Skyburst, Ace, and Pyra Magna ran/ sped through the ground bridge as it closed behind them. " ( Roars in rage at the loss of the Enigma and then watches as  Optimus and the rest of team Prime used the distraction to escape through their own ground bridge).  We will meet again Prime. For this is only the beginning." Said  Megatron, as he and his decepticons returned to the Nemesis through a groundbridge. 


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