everything has changed (but nothing's new)

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New kid. A sophomore, my age. News traveled quickly around a boarding school, especially news like that. Every time there was a new student coming, everyone acted the same way.

"I heard the new kid is coming today, and is in our class! Is it a boy?" Asked Gracie Hendricks, a freshman girl in my home room.

"Yes, I believe so," Mrs. Dodds replied.

"Yes!" She turned to her best friend Sophie. "I hope he's hot."

"Okay, okay class. Settle down," Mrs. Dodds said as the whole room erupted into a chorus of boys complaining there wouldn't be a new, possibly cute girl, and of girls calling dibs.

I don't put myself above the behaviors of my peers, by the way. I will admit that I'd also, like Gracie, been hoping it was a cute boy.

But it didn't matter. Things were different for me, whether I'd like to admit it or not.

The door began to jingle as keys were being used to unlock the door. Instantaneously, everyone in the room quieted down, and turned their attention to who was walking through the door.

As soon as the new kid stepped in however, followed by our principal Mr. Brunner of course, all the thirsty girls lost interest.

The kid wasn't too bad; In fact, I thought he was pretty cute. But I pushed the thought away quickly, and then felt weird about even thinking it in the first place.

He was kind of short. Dark, shaggy hair. Super pale skin— he was almost see through.

Mr. Brunner went on this whole spiel, which I pretty much tuned out of. Then, they'd asked for someone to show him around school.

At first, no one raised their hands. I guess after everyone had lost interest, no one cared enough to even be a little nice to the kid. He looked like he needed it too— he practically radiated insecurity. I don't say that to be rude, it was just the way it was. He stood with his back to the wall and his shoulders hunched as if trying to make himself smaller.

I thought about raising my hand. Just as I was about to, another hand shot up. It was Percy Jackson, of course.

I don't mean to knock Percy at all. He was one of my closest friends. Honestly, he was like the older brother I never had. For the past two years, if I ever found myself in a bad situation, he was the first person I'd call. Anytime I needed advice, I'd ask him.

Percy was just that guy. He always seemed to know exactly what to do. He handled more of my problems for me than I'd like to admit. He and all our friends were the most popular people in school.

And when I say popular, I don't mean popular like you think. We aren't the stereotypical mean group you'd see in the movies.

There's Jason Grace and his girlfriend, Piper McLean. Both seniors. Piper was a sweet girl who always got what she wanted because she always knew exactly what to say. Jason did a little of everything: clubs, sports, academic team. There's class clown Leo Valdez, who is a sophomore like me and also my dorm roommate, and FFA president Grover Underwood, a senior. Then there's Hazel Levesque, a Division 1 equestrian commit as only a junior. Her boyfriend is Frank Zhang, who starts both ways on the varsity football team. He's also a junior. There's also Annabeth Chase, who's the smartest girl in the school; AP scholar, #1 class rank, class president, etc. She's a senior.

Lastly, there was Percy Jackson.

Percy Jackson was a natural charismatic guy. Everyone couldn't help but love him. He's a New York City native, which is uncommon for our boarding school, but his stepdad is a teacher here. He and Annabeth are dating, and they are the picture perfect couple. He is also a star swimmer; his senior season is almost over, and he's currently undefeated.

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