someday i'll get it

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If you keep telling yourself you've gotten over someone, it will eventually come true. Fingi finché non ce la fai. Fake it 'till you make it.

I can't ruin what I have going for myself right now. And hearing Piper on the subway last week talking about how good Percy and Annabeth are for each other, I know I have to shove whatever feelings I have for him away. He's happy with her. I deserve to be happy too, even if with someone else.

I keep telling myself I'm over that little crush. Just like I'm over the accident, what happened only a few short months ago....

"Where's my Mom?" I screamed loudly at the two paramedics who loomed over me.

I was on the ground. Somehow, I managed to get out of the car, but I had no memory of exiting it.

"I need you to relax, buddy," said one of the paramedics, a man with ash gray hair. I hated how he called me 'buddy' like I was some little kid. I was fifteen, for Christ's sake.

The other paramedic, a younger brunette man with an athletic build, strapped my neck down into a brace. "Let's get ready to move him," he told the other guy. He counted back from 3, and I felt myself being lifted onto a hard, flat board. After that, they set me on top of a stretcher.

It was only then that I realized something. I couldn't hear Bianca screaming anymore. She had been wailing and crying at the top of her lungs for what felt like hours, but could've just as well only been fifteen minutes. I wasn't sure anymore. I shivered from the cold rain hitting my skin.

"Bianca!" I screamed. "Bianca, where are you?"

"Sweetie, I need you to calm down, okay?" Said another paramedic, a new one, a woman this time. She had been in the back of the ambulance and was helping them wheel me in.

"Where's my sister? Where's my Mom? Are they okay?" I cried.

"Can you try and lift your arm for me, bud?" The woman asked, completely ignoring my questions.

Dazed, I tried to lift my left arm up, to no avail. I tried again with my right and had the same result.

"I can't! What's wrong with me? What's wrong with my arms?"

I tried to move my legs as well, and I couldn't. "What's wrong with me? What's going on?" I screamed and screamed until I felt a needle being pushed into my arm, and everything going black.

Oh, Gods. Okay, let's not think about that anymore.

So I try not to. I try not to think of anything, completely empty out my head. By the time I got to lunch, I hadn't thought about anything besides my school work all day.

"Okay," said Piper, clapping her hands together. "So— some Brooklyn Tech kids are having a house party tonight. Would y'all want to go? It's not just gonna be all people from there either. This girl that texted me about it said there's probably gonna be more from Goode besides us, and a bunch from Lower East Side and Manhattan Upper."

"Brooklyn Tech?" Will asked, suddenly interested.

"Yeah. That's what I just said," Piper replied with a joking eye roll.

"Brooklyn Tech and all those other ones she said are public schools near here," Annabeth explained to me. "A lot of us go to their parties since we can't really have any here."

I nod, although that doesn't explain Will's weird reaction.

"There's obviously gonna be like, you know, alcohol and stuff there, but even if that's not your thing it could still be fun." Annabeth continued.

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