ode to a bottle of trazodone (reprise)

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The three hour drive to Montauk was one of the scariest of my life.

At around six pm, Percy, Annabeth, Jason, Piper and I took the one train to Percy's mom's apartment in the upper east side. We were going to pick up Mr. Blofis' car to drive to Montauk. Grover had already left in his car with Hazel, Frank, and Leo. Since we lived in the city, none of the rest of us actually owned a car, but Percy's stepdad was kind enough to let him borrow his.

Apparently, this was not his smartest idea, because come to find out, Percy is a horrible driver.

When we first got to the Jackson apartment, Percy's mom greeted us all.

"Annabeth, Jason, Piper!" She said while giving them all hugs, maneuvering around her pregnant stomach. "And Nico, right?" She asked, turning toward me.

"Yeah," I replied. I'd only really met her in passing at Percy's swim meet a few weeks ago.

She smiled warmly at me. "Percy talks about you all the time. He's always making new friends, it's getting hard to keep track." A few months ago, I think hearing that Percy talked about me to his Mom would make my knees weak. Now, I don't read much into it at all.

"Nico's one of my star students," Mr. Blofis said as he entered the room.

I felt my face heat up. I wouldn't say star student. Will was always bailing me out when it came to things I didn't know. My stomach fluttered at the thought of Will.

Selfishly, I'd wished he hadn't gone to Texas at all. I wanted him here with me, even though I wasn't sure what was going to happen with us.

I liked him. I'd developed a crush on him. I don't know when it happened, but it did. And that kiss was... electric. Every time I thought about it, I felt a million emotions. All good.

"Okay, Percy. We won't keep y'all too long. Here's what you came for. Keys," said Mr. Blofis as he pressed the keys to his Volvo in Percy's palm.


"Hold it!" Said Percy's mom. "You need to be very careful. I mean it. These New York drivers are crazy. They'll run you right off the road! I mean, maybe I should drive you guys down..."

"Mom! No! Come on. I'm eighteen now. Don't you trust me?"

"It's not you that I don't trust, babe. It's the other people on the road. And your age has nothing to do with it, you know most crashes happen to younger drivers—"

"Sally. It's okay. It's not too far from Montauk to here, and he's made that drive a couple times before." Mr. Blofis reasoned.

"But not without me in the car."

"It's okay. Annabeth won't let him crash. She'll be his second set of eyes— right, Annabeth?"

"Yeah, of course."

Mr. Blofis gave Percy's mom a look, and she sighed. "Be careful." She said to Percy again, then pulled him into a hug and kissed him on the head.

"I will! Bye Mom. Bye Paul. Thank you!"

We all waved goodbye, and as soon as the door shut behind us, Percy jumped up into the air. "Let's go! Spring break!"

Annabeth laughed. "You're such an idiot."

"Don't act like you aren't as excited as I am."

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