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"Good morning, sunshine!" Percy joked as he dropped into the seat next to me in homeroom, followed by Grover and Will.

I looked up, greeting the three of them, my gaze resting a bit longer on Will. He wore the same thing he wore every weekday, the same uniform every guy in school wore, but for some reason he looked better than anyone else in it.

The groundhog didn't see its shadow last month, predicting an early spring, but yesterday was really the first warm day we'd had in months. The temperature hit a high of 72, and it was obvious that Will had spent some time outside as his skin had a slight tan. His blond curls were unkempt yet still perfect, his uniform tie looped but slightly loose.

Ever since that day he'd opened up to me about his Mom, and I'd opened up to him about my family, things had changed between us. I wasn't sure what, but I could definitely feel a shift in our relationship.

We hadn't spent any time alone together since that day besides in English class, yet I found myself wishing we had. I found myself thinking extra hard lately when it came to him. I made sure my hair looked nice when I knew he'd be around, sprayed extra cologne on myself before being next to him, things like that.

It was all probably for nothing though. I doubt he'd even thought about me too much, not the way I thought about him. He had specifically told me the other day, "you're a great friend." Friend.

"Okay, so I know it's kind of last minute, but are you guys doing anything for spring break?" Percy asked us.

"Nope," I replied automatically. During school breaks, I was told that Goode's campus stays open for students who aren't able to go home. That's perfect for me, since I don't really have a home to go back to. Just thinking about it that way made my heart pang.

"I was gonna go back home, but it sounds like you've got another idea?" Grover said.

"Soooo," Percy dragged, "my Mom offered to rent out the house in Montauk for us for the week."

"I'm in," Grover said immediately. I had no idea what the significance of the house in Montauk was, but I figured they'd been there together before. "Picture it now; spring break on the beach. Swimming in the ocean everyday. Laying in the hot sand, soaking up the sun."

Percy grinned. "Exactly. Nico? Will?"

"Yeah," I said, "sounds fun. I'm down." Beats being here alone, watching everyone else leave to go back to their families and wishing that I actually had a family to go back to.

We all turned to Will expectantly. He messed with one of his blond curls. "Um, well, you see, I was supposed to go home for break, so..."

"Well, did you already buy the plane tickets?"

"No, but—"

"Then tell your Mom sorry, you'll see her another time! You really want to miss out on this? You guys are the last people I've talked to, everyone else is coming. I really want you there."

"Yeah, I know, and I really want to be there, but... I just can't okay? This is kind of important. I almost never get to see my family."

Percy frowned. "Yeah, I get it. I just wish there was a way you could still come. It's our senior year, man. Next year, more than half of us are gonna be gone. This is one of our last chances to hang out all together like this."

"Yeah. I'll... I'll try to talk to my Mom. Figure something out. But no promises." Will replied, still looking a bit uneasy.

"Just promise you'll try?"

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