The Ocean Smile

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Annie's Pov
"Annie, how are you feeling?" Armin ask, scrubbing my bare back.

"I think this bath is helping" I say, tilting my head as he runs the washcloth along my neck.

Armin sighs, dropping the washcloth in the water. Rippling the water between us he lets his hands run down my arms, as he puts his forehead on my shoulder.

Lifting my hand from the water I run my fingers through his hair "I'm really ok" I almost whisper

I can hear as he grinds his teeth "The moment I see that bastard Ill finish what I didn't before."

"Armin, I don't need revenge. I need this baby to have a father by the end of this." I can feel my nerves tense my body "I can't do this alone...."

He lifts his head, pulling me into his brawny body. Placing a kiss on my temple he puts his hands on my stomach "Im sorry, you're right. No revenge is worth missing this."

I lean my head back to look up as he captures my lips with his. My body melts into his tender arms as he reassures me.

"Do you have to go to the counsel meeting later?"I say, laying my head on his chest

He gives me a guilty look "Unfortunately, after finding out about the serum they want answers. Requesting serum users, jean and I."

"Does that mean they already know about Eren?"

"Yes, the counsel has known about Eren and his family for years. Three out of the seven Counsel members appreciate erens sacrifice for Eldians."

"How many made it to the underground?"

"Three, two that like Eren and one that hates him." He lets out a heavy sigh "it also means the other four are with the King. So we have to pretend we know nothing of his betrayal."

"I know you can make this work." i reassure, putting my hands on his, taking a moment of silence.

But he makes a fair point. If we protect Eren and suddenly accuse our King of being an imposter, the counsel will turn on Armin.

Vouching for a murderer instead of the queens most trusted husband would be detrimental to his title. Saying nothing is the only way we can stay close to the enemy and keep Historia safe.

getting out of the tub, we get ready for the day. About to leave for the meeting he turns to hold me "Id prefer you stay in the room, Hitch doesn't have to see you today."

Taking in his warmth I smile to myself "If you're not too late I can take you with me to check on the baby when I visit."

He kisses my head, pulling away with a grin "well if thats the case, Ill try my best. but if I take too long please go anyway to get checked out. You know this job...."

I stop him before he finishes his sentence "I know, you cant make any promises. now go" I smile, pushing him out of the door.

He chuckles "ok.." he quickly turns to kiss my lips, then taking a knee to kiss my stomach "I love you two." He says shutting the door.

Waiting hours in hopes I could walk with him, I give up. Walking down to the lobby, I see Akkio in the hall with a crying Clara as Min hovers "whats wrong?"

Akkio looks at me worried "I might have to take her to the medical clinic to get some medication..."

"Is she sick" I say leaning down to check her forehead

"Shes showing signs of a fever, but she just had a blood transfusion. I don't want to risk anything."

"I can take her, plus you need to rest yourself. you're still not fully recovered from giving all that blood."

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