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Months Later
Eren's POV
"Clara, take my hand now" I shout as she grabs my hand. I start to sprint but Clara can't keep up with her short legs.

Shooting the greeds knees to slow them down, I pick Clara up. Putting her on my back, I run. Dodging and weaving past their hands into an abandoned home. With all the windows exposed I make my way to the roof top barricading the only way up.

Setting clara down I shake her shoulders "what were you thinking coming out here" I say in a harsh whisper

She holds back tears "D-Dad, I missed you. I never get to see you."

Kneeling to her height I sigh "I-Im so sorry little bean" I say, pulling her into a hug. I hold back my tears to seem strong, rubbing circles on her back like Mikasa use to.

Mikasa, Min, and Jean have been gone for half a year and we haven't a clue of their whereabouts. The fact I am still standing says she alive or id be dead too, 'according to Ymir' but I know nothing of my son.

The Moment they disappeared, Historia entered the underground with the last of our people. Having every person individually checked for bites.

The bites were made from what we call Greeds 'Human-sized Titans.' We call them greeds because they were made by the greed of Nolans experiments on the Ackerman blood.

In attempt to multiply the children's blood, so he wouldn't need one of our kids. In exchange he accidentally created a disease that spreads through a bite.

We discovered it takes approximately 24hours  before it takes effect but Nolan has replicated a world of Titans but in smaller form. The world I risked my life to change...

Looking over the edge of the roof, the home is surrounded by greeds. Sitting down next to Clara, I take my jacket wrapping it around her. "Clara, I know you missed me but please never attempt this again"

She stands up abruptly, letting my jacket slides off her shoulders "b-but I want to help find Mom and Min too" she says with the look of worry.

My chest ached, seeing shes hurting too "Helping is one thing, but following me out here could've gotten you killed. The greed titans do not just bite Clara, they will rip you limb from limb."

She furrows her brows "Then teach me to fight. Kineth learned from uncle Levi"

"Kineth is older than you." I say, running a hand through my hair in frustration "You're as stubborn as your mother," I mumble, remembering Mikasa's is vulnerable right now.

Wherever she is, she is without the Titain serum now. During the opening to the door Levi's serum wore off mid fight.

According to Ashiko, she found out the Activated Ackerman blood fights off her enhancement serums. In which Levi always has a serum near him in case of emergency.

Thankfully, Ashiko and Akiko came up with a new serum to work instantly, instead of it taking a day. But what good is it if Mikasa is not here to take it.

"Dad, I can still do it too." she attempts to convince me .

If only she knew I was trying to protect her. Giving up on explaining, I move to pick up the jacket, putting it back around her "I will teach you defense..." I resort


I give her a stern face "Defense is just as important to get away. Did you not just see me run us to safety?"

"I got away from Kineth just fine..." she mumbles under her breath.

Imagining her fooling Kineth makes me almost proud, but this is not a moment to reward her actions. Pinching her cheek, I crinkle my nose "And for that you are grounded to quarters for a week."

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