What Make Us Deadly

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Five years later
Mikasa POV
Annies fingers twitch as shes too prideful to cry in front of me still "Mikasa I don't know what to do? I dont think I am ready. I wont make a good mom. Im am terrible person, how do you even explain, that to your child."

"Annie you're thinking too far ahead. You haven't even told armin yet." I say pouring the water for the horse.

She grabs her elbow nervously "but what if he doesn't want kids."

"You're his wife, of course he wants to have kids. Its no different from you two watching Min and Clara."

"It is different, it coming out of me." She says loudly with worry.

We hear a laugh "whats coming out of you?" Armin questions, walking towards us.

"A whole lot of stress" I tease as we meet him outside the stables

He just shrugs it off, planting a light kiss on her lip to greet her  "If you want to distract yourself, eren and I finally finished furnishing the house if you want to see it."


"Eren has been working on our furniture while we've been working."

She turns to me in shock "Really"

I chuckle "He couldn't help himself considering you live next door now. He's bored."

Armin grins, taking her hand "come see our new home"

Earlier this year Armin and Annie decided to build a home here. As advanced as Paradise has become its too noisy. In the end we all just want silence.

Being the commander Armin tends to be gone. Annie however helps Eren and I maintain our crops and the new horse stables.

Closing the stables I see Eren pushing the Twins in the wheelbarrow "MOMMY!" The kids yell

Eren stops and waves at me. Waiting for me to walk over "you three are so dirty"

"That just means we work hard, doesn't it?"

"Yeah!" They say in unison

I smirk, shaking my head in disbelief. Eren starts pushing as we walk back to the house.

"I thought you just finished moving furniture, not playing in mud."

"We finished that a while ago, Armin was setting up for a romantic gesture or something. Then I went to water the crops but these two wanted to be apart of the fun."

"Daddy whats a romanic g-gesher?" Clara ask curiously

"Nothing you need to worry about little bean, you wont be allowed to date."

"Eren" I swat his shoulder

"Can I date" Min adds

"Absolutely, not" I say, thinking of him being like Eren

"And you judged me, huh?" He gives me the side eye.

"Whatever" I pout " Levi will be here in an hour, go clean yourself up, I'll take the kids."

"Always demanding me" he says hitting my butt.

"How else would you stay clean" I tease, holding back how turned on I am.

Levi's Arrival
"You four might make a village if you keep expanding." Levi states, sipping his tea.

Eren scuffs "so whats the news old man? Why are your kids here?"

Levi shot him a glare for the old man comment "You're lucky your pain is connected to Mikasa's or I would have hit you by now."

"I don't doubt that." Eren leans forward on the table "But why are you really here?"

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