Tears of Joy and War

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Past: Wedding Day
Mikasa's POV
"Annnnnd perfect!" Historia says as she places the last pin in my hair "You're so beautiful Mikasa. Why do I feel like ive waited my whole life for this." She giggles, holding her hands together

I cant help but blush at her shower of compliments. Looking in the mirror at the results, my hair sits in high bun as loose strands of hair fall gracefully to my collarbone.

My heart warms at her efforts. The door opens to Annie walking into my bedroom "was it this box Historia?" She says setting it down on my bed.

"Yes!" She says excited

Annie looks up to answer but locks eyes with me. Her face turn slightly pink "your hair is very pretty Mikasa." She smiles shyly

"Thank you" I say turning my chair to see what Historia was pulling out of the box.

Handing Annie a vale, Historia pulls out a Wedding dress. Just looking at it my heart dropped from its beauty "H-How much did that cost" I stutter

"Who cares! This is the one time I get to dress you up and Im going to g to do it right!" She claims pulling me up to step into the dress.

Squeezing me into the corset like a rag doll, I grip Annies hands trying to hold steady. Annie looks over my shoulder "is it supposed to be that tight? You might burst her organs"she ask

"Beauty is pain ladies. Trust me I know." She say finishing the back. Getting up she puts on the vale. Both her and Annie take a step back looking me up and down.

Tears form in Historia's eyes "Damn, she looks prettier than me on my wedding day." She sniffles as Annie hands her a tissue.

"You look..." Annie pauses looking for the words "beautiful"

I laugh at her loss of words and shuffle my way to the mirror. It was like an out of body experience. I allow my hands to trail the lace, taking in this moment. Ive never felt so beautiful.

Once more my bedroom door opens. Historia jumps behind me with stretched out arms trying to hide the dress.

"Don't worry it's just...." The deep voice pauses. I slowly look over my shoulder to see Armin with widen eyes "Oh wow, you look absolutely stunning." He says with a gentle smile.

"Could you two give us a moment" I ask

"Yes, of course. But don't ruin your hair before I get back." Historia demands.

As they walk out, I go to sit down to attempt to put on the heals "Are the twins ok?" I ask pushing the dress away.

"Yes, the are fine. Sleeping happily next to Mrs. Springer" he chuckles

Struggling to lean down in my corset. Armin walks over grabbing the shoe."Please let me"

I stick out my foot grateful "Thank you Armin" i let out a breath of relief as I sit up again.

"Its no problem at all. Im glad I get to help both of you on your special day."

I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about Eren in a suit again "how is he? Hes not considering running away is he?"

Armin lets out laugh "Don't be silly, hes too obsessed with you to do that. Not to mention you have 8month old Twins."

The idea was bizarre but we were originally not going to do a ceremony. Although, Historia insisted and set up everything. Honestly, we are indebted to her for how much shes done for us.

"In love maybe, but obsessed was more my category." I giggle to myself as he finishes, he pulls up a chair.

"Actually it funny you say that." He smirks to himself "I actually came to give you your gift."

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