Accepting Fate

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Past: One Week After Rumbling
Historias POV
Waking up I walk into my bathroom to see Nolan staring into a mirror "W-we must bring back our family....." he grabs his head suddenly with pained eyes "But I, we can't....."

"Nolan is everything..." his eyes look at me with fear, slamming the door in my face. Worried and confused I knock on the door "Hey, are you alright? Whats going on?"

"Leave me, this has nothing to do with you" he says in a menacing voice I don't recognize.

About to kick the door open my bedroom door "Excuse me for the intrusion Mrs. Reiss but you have a visitor."

"Tell them to wait, Ill be their momentarily" bowing her head she steps out. About to knock once more Nolan opens the door, unable to look at me. Grabbing his arm, he tugs it out of my grasp "Nolan, what is going on with you"

Looking at the floor, he grips his left arm "I-Im sorry, I don't know what got into me." The way he holds himself reminds me of the times we first met. When id try to hide my pain from him with the comfort of holding myself; The pain I kept weld up in my heart after Ymir died.

Walking in front of him I place a hand on his face "Hey, if it's something you need to deal with alone right now, thats ok. Just don't shut yourself out from me." Moving his gaze to me his eyes were pitch black. Frozen in place a shiver runs down my spine. Smiling gently his pupils dilate down enough to see his light brown irises.

Snapping me out of trance he kisses my lips, "of course, I didn't mean to worry you my love" pulling away he leaves the room, leaving me in disbelief. Was that even Nolan?

"Mrs. Riess, Your guest says this is important"

Considering I just woke up, it might just be in my head "Ill be out in a moment, thank you"

Getting changed, I head out but find myself stopped by the Ackerman kids. Rushing over I see Nolan holding Kineth by the wrist.

"N-nolan you're h-hurting me" holding tight to his wrist, he does nothing but stare at him intensely.

Grabbing Nolans shoulder, he looks up at me with the same eyes I was met with a few minutes ago, he's back to this dark aura. Horrified by the sight of eyes that do not belong to my loving husband, I hold myself together. Not trying to make the kids nervous "Honey, dont forget you are stronger than poor kineth. Hes not Levi you know."

"But every Ackerman will be...." His menacing tone comes back but before he can say a sentence to warn the kids who they really are I squeeze his shoulder. His eyes widen, letting go of kineth wrist in shock. Focus scattered, he looks around confused before leaving to go inside.

Worried about kinth I let him leave, crouching down to hold his wrist "Are you alright?" I smile gently

Asher and Dinah look at him worried but Kineth plays tough "Of course I am, but is Nolan ok? He didn't seem like himself"

Ashers tugs his T-shirt "Yeah, did you see his eyes they...."

"Oh he was just showing you a magic trick kiddos. He just got really embarrassed it didn't work just now. Do not mind him." I make up an excuse, kissing kineths wrist.

A couple of caregivers from the orphanage stop over in panic "There you three are. What did we tell you about wondering off"

"But we love Mrs. Riess" Dinah expresses, not understanding anything happening.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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