Yellow Fabric

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Mikasa's POV
With Lighting running through my veins, I wake up staring at the ceiling. As I attempt to sit up, my chest bounces me back as if someone punched me.

"Mikasa, are you alright?" Akiko worries, scurrying across the room.

"Get away from me" accidentally I push her to the floor with force.

My strength is ten times stronger then it use to with Ymir affects. I watch as Akiko picks herself up with pride. Sitting on her knees.

"Mikasa I wouldn't hurt your family, b-but I am not sorry!" She says with her head down "Daz has m-my mother. I didn't have a choice. I-I have to protect her."

"Did you ever once think we could've helped you Akiko?" I stand dangerously close. Considering if I should let my anger loose.

"I know that now, but if it wasnt me then they would've killed Levi." She starts crying "They planned to kill him with poison in place of the serum but I couldn't let them I...."

She wants to say 'love him' but cant, and with good reason. If only she asked us for help. She doesn't realize I was the one person that understands fighting for love more than anyone.

The fact Levi trusted her allowed me to let her near my children, the people closest to me. Im disgusted with her, but more disappointed in myself for not seeing it.

I scoff "I don't have time for you right now. Where is Levi and Armin"

"Levi went to get Dinah. Then Armin promised to bring Eren back to you." She says breathing through her cry.

I feel relieved knowing at least Erens in good hands but I hope that chest pain from earlier was nothing too serious.

Getting annoyed by her noise "Akiko stop crying already and stand up. If you want to make amends fix what you broke. Start by telling me where my kids are" I advise harshly

Akiko wipes her tears, standing up "Im positive Daz took them to paradise, it was in our orders to do so."

"Then we go now, and you're taking me there." I demand walking outside to grab a horse from the stables.

Outside the doors of the stable I turn to Akiko pulling out my knife. She pauses, looking wary of my actions.

I hold out my forearm to her "Eren needs to know I am going to paradis. So write it." I say handing her the knife.

"You want me to what?!"

"Akiko I wont bleed out if you keep it light, I heal but slowly. You are a doctor, are you not?" I question, assuming she could've lied about that too.

She nods her head confirming shes a doctor but bites her lip nervously "o-ok"

Taking the blade she engraves paradis into my forearm. I clench my jaw anticipating it would be painful but is actually bearable.

The moment she started carving, my skin starts to smoke "W-whats happening?" She worries

"Hurry, keep cutting ." For some reason Im healing like Eren did when he had the attack Titan. I couldn't be a titan right?

Akiko finishes the engraving "stand back" I tell her. Taking my hand I bite it like Eren use to.

"Why did you bite yourself?" Akiko asked confused

I let out a sigh of relief "you ask alot of questions, but to answer...." I look at her with a devilish smirk "I was testing to make sure I didn't turn into a titan."

"You were going to do that with me basically right next to you" she almost shouts

"shouldn't have gotten on my bad side" I say walking to my horse.

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