Armin's Promise

165 7 3

Mikasa's POV
"Thank you Connie" I say as we watch his workers load my carriage.

"No problem at all. I make sure to always make room on my books to pass on some extra meat. Eating tons of meat like this was sasha's dream after all." He smiles in confidence, crossing his arms.

I can tell he's more content talking about Sasha these days. Then again hes been so distracted with the distributions, I couldn't imagine he has time for distractions.

Historia put the Springer family in charge of the food distributions. Farmer and butcher's reports to them for their pay and directions on where to distribute.

If sasha were alive today she would be in paradise. That and eating the rations of a whole town.

"Connie for this carriage do I put it under commander Armin's name?" The girl says showing him a book.

As Connie explains the process of signing, I can tell by the way he looked at her that there was something more.

As she walks away I lift a brow "You must like her?" I question bluntly

He smiles  "Oh Sana? We've been dating for two years but she was insistent on joining the crew to be closer to me."

Shocked by how long "why didn't you tell us about her?"

"Well I guess I found there to be no point. I don't want her to put your family in danger by knowing about your existence."

"Don't you trust her?"

"I do but whats my trust to your family's safety. Lets say I told her and she slips up to a friend that I have friends in a certain place?"

'Certain place'? He even uses his words with so much care. I never really understood how much our friends really protected us.

"Thank you, that means a lot that you would do that."

He pats my shoulder "No need to thank friends for looking out for you." He laughs

Suddenly bombs started going off from in the direction of Paradis. My eyes widen watching as I can see so much smoke from Miles away.

"The kids...." I say running to detach the carriage.

Connie grabs my arm "Hey you're family is far from Paradise, in the other direction. im sure their..."

"Mikasa! Connie!" Armin yells from a horse with Dinah in the front of him.

A man on a horse behind them was struggling to shoot at Armin while trying to control his horse.

I rapidly pull out my gun and shoot him point blank in the eye. With His body falling off, the horse ran back into forest.

I scan the forest to make sure there was no one else following. Armin stops his horse in front of us "Theres no more, I just ran out of ammunition for the last one."

Dinah starts crying and reaches out to me "I want my daddy"

I reach up, taking her off the horse. She crys into my chest shaking in fear.

"Armin are you shot? Whats going on" connie ask

Armin looks at me gritting his teeth "Levi was right. They found us"

My face shows the worry my words cant express "We rode the horse out further than usual but we suddenly heard two gun shot. Then Erens flare was shot..." he says not being able to look me in the eye.

I bounce Dinah trying to sooth her sobs but to also calm my nerve's listening.

He continues "then Dinahs horse freaked out as multiple gun shots started going off. Annie took the kids to cover but we got caught up in the people attacking us. This was the closest place."

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