Chapter One

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"Piss off, Potter." I heard Lily's voice from outside the compartment. Peter and I stepped out to get a proper look at James and Sirius, who had smirks spreading across their faces. They never give up.

"Go out with me, Evans! You won't regret it babe!" James smugly exclaimed. Sirius grinned, leaning his forearm on James' shoulder.

"C'mon Prongs, this is hopeless." Sirius sighed dramatically, shepherding James back to the compartment.

"Listen to your boyfriend, Potter." Lily said, turning around and disappearing through the crowd of students. Sirius laughed as James entered the compartment.

"Blimey Remus, did you see that?" Sirius chuckled, hugging me briefly.

"Yep. He's right Prongs, it's so bloody hopeless." I shook my head, sitting next to James.

"She's into Snivellus, my dear Prongs."

"Snivellus? Even after he called her a Mudblood?" James asked, a bit astonished.

"I don't get it either, but I think so." Sirius said, yawning.

"For the billionth time, Sirius, she's not into him anymore." I said. Lily and I have been really close friends since fifth year, and she tells me everything. She actually told me that she likes James, but I guess I'm not allowed to tell that out loud.

"Cheers, Moony!" James exclaimed. "You always get me the good news!"

Nothing really happened for the rest of our ride. Sirius was reading a book about Quidditch, James was messing with his Snitch and Peter was peacefully asleep. We later all changed into our school robes, but James left the compartment for 'top secret' reasons. I was quiet sure it had something to do with Lily but I shoved it off. Sirius was pissed off though; James never hid secrets.

"Wotcher, boys." Nymphadora opened the compartment door, making Peter slightly jump.

"What's up Tonks? You're stuck with pink, I see." Sirius smirked, gesturing to her hair.

"And you're obviously still stuck with the wet dog's smell, because it really smells awful here." She backfired and Sirius laughed so hard that it sounded like a dog's bark. She sat next to Sirius, as Peter was already beside me. She turned to Peter, but glanced at me.

"Wormtail! Long time no see." Tonks smiled.

"Hello, Nymphadora." Peter grinned. Tonks groaned, me and Sirius snorted with laughter.

"It's been years and I still wonder what kind of name is that?" Sirius laughed placing a hand on his lap.

Tonks raised her left brow, "Look who's taking? Your name literally means dog, so shut up." Me and Peter laughed, but Sirius looked amusingly annoyed.

"Ha-ha, what are you doing here anyway?" He asked, folding his arms against his chest.

"Prongs decided to show off in front of Lily, but I almost puked so I came here." She said, glancing at me. I noticed that her hair was slowly turning pale blonde from the roots.

Sirius chuckled, "That boy I swear to God."

"Hey Remus." She slightly smiled, trying to sound cheerful but it turned out a bit desperate.

"Um, hey." I replied shortly. I knew that I was being rude, and that I was hurting her, but it was for the best.

"Geez, did I say something?" She stared at me with sad eyes but a little smirk on her plump pink lips. Sirius patted her back, a grin spreading across his face.

"Our dear Moony doesn't mean to be a jerk, Tonks. He's a natural arse." Peter laughed at this. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh, I've noticed." She snapped, "I can see Hogwarts already." She said, changing the subject a bit too quickly and glancing at the window.

"Trouble, I can see you welcoming me." Sirius said, laughing to himself.

Tonks stood up, taking a breath, "I should get back to my company, see you later folks." She turned around and left the compartment, without giving me another glance.

"Bye," Sirius said, "Nymphadora."

"I heard ya, butthole!" She shouted, but sounded a bit happy. Sirius waited a few seconds then he was almost all over me.

"Are you stupid, mate?!" He shouted, "Girls don't like that kind of treatment, and you know that better than anyone. You shouldn't be ignoring her, for fuck's sake."

"Are you serious?" I laughed in disbelief.

Sirius' eyes widened, loosening his grip on me, "Well, I am." He chuckled, looking proud at his overused joke.

"Not again." Peter groaned.

"No, I'm really talking for real now. You like her Moony, don't you deny it." Sirius looked at me in the eyes and I couldn't help but look away.

"I don't like-"

"You were avoiding her at King's Cross, she noticed by the way. You don't laugh when she jokes anymore and you know she's the coolest girl we've ever met." Sirius went on.

"But I-"

"Don't you use the werewolf excuse again. Oh Remus, I've been your friend for the last seven years and I know you so well." He shook his head, getting back to his seat and staring out of the window.

"It has nothing to do with the werewolf thing." I said quietly, staring at my hands.

"It has everything to do with the werewolf thing! You don't want her to know, right? You think you're too dangerous? For God's sake, Remus." Sirius groaned, leaning on the window.

"Don't be pathetic." I said.

"I'm not being pathetic, I'm serious," He broke down into laughter. "Sorry, I just can't help but laugh."

I knew he was telling the truth. Sirius knows me so well, he knows my secrets and inner demons; he knows I like her. I don't want her to know, she shouldn't. I want her safe, I want her to have someone as cool as her, as carefree as her, as reckless as her. Tonks needs someone like Sirius or James, not me.

The train stopped and Sirius and Peter stood up, grabbing their handbags. I sighed, getting up. Sirius patted me on the shoulder and whispered in my ear, "Sorry, fucker." I laughed quietly. Then we met up with James and we rode one of the carriages after leaving Hogsmeade Station. I noticed Nymphadora's hair in the crowd. She was laughing her arse off with two other Gryffindor girls, and her Hufflepuff tie was a bit loosened already; she was utterly beautiful.

"So she just kicked your arse out of the compartment?" Peter asked, laughing.

"Yeah! But I'm pretty sure she enjoyed my super smooth body movements." James said proudly, dancing with his arms. We all laughed.

Maybe if I wasn't a werewolf, I would try to impress Tonks. Maybe I'd dance for her, sing for her, even write a dumb letter for her but she doesn't need my kind. She deserves someone brave, someone hilarious and maybe punk, not a weirdo book lover like me, not a werewolf like me, and those thoughts never leave my head anymore.


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