Chapter Seven

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I heard her voice, it seemed quiet distant. She was angry, furious. I couldn't see anything, nor feel really, but I heard her. More like, I felt her presence. My back was throbbing, my arms were stinging, my chest and ribs shot a sting of pain every time I breathed, but I was used to this. I just wasn't used to waking up after my transformation to a shouting Tonks.

"You need to rest, dear." Madame Pomfrey snapped in a tone of annoyance.

"I don't want to rest!" Nymphadora's yell echoed the hospital wing. Confusion filled my head; is she injured, or does she know? Both options were no good.

"For God's sake!" Madame Pomfrey screamed, sending me a shiver. "Your spine was horribly injured! If you were a Muggle, you'd have been paralyzed for a lifetime! Thank your Lord and lay down!"

"But I'm not a Muggle! I'm alright! This is urgent!" Nymphadora shouted back, pleadingly. What was so urgent?

"Dear! Your health is what matters, now just rest! Merlin!"

"Ugh, just let me go!" Nymphadora shrieked again, making me more curious than ever.

"You'll stay the night here, Nymphadora! Now stop or I'll call the headmaster!" Madame Pomfrey said firmly, but moved away cursing under her breath, "Little ungrateful kids."

She passed two beds, then carefully peered behind the white curtains that hid me from everyone. She grabbed a potion from my beside table and glanced at me, her eyes filled with sympathy. "Remus, dear, are you okay?"

I nodded with a little forced smiled. "Yeah, my back just hurts."

She frowned, placing the potion on the table again. "I'm so sorry. Oh dear, I'll get you your potion." She hurried away, but I swear I heard her say "Poor fellow."

"There you go." She came back, holding a green large bottle and poured me some in a goblet. I drank the disgusting liquid and sighed.

"Why is Nymphadora here?"

"Mrs. Tonks? Oh, she fell down the stairs, nothing to worry about, dear." She said, noticing the anxious look on my face, "But I still think she better stay for another night here."

Trying not to picture a bloody badly injured Nymphadora, I changed the subject quickly, "What was she mad about?"

Madame Pomfrey's face looked suddenly panicked, "She, um, saw us on the grounds yesterday. That's why she fell down the stairs; she was trying to reach us." She whispered, glancing around. Panic filled every bit of my numb body.

"Does she know?" I whispered, not wanting to hear any agreement.

"No, no, no, Merlin's beard, I don't think so." She smiled slightly, "Just make sure she doesn't spot you here."

"What about James, Sirius and Peter?" I asked, "Did they visit? Did she see them?"

"Oh yes, but very late. She wasn't focused and she was muttering; she'll think it's a dream." She answered, cluttering around more potion bottles.

"Did they look okay?" I asked slowly, not wanting to give her any hints about them companying me.

"Why wouldn't they?" She looked at me suspiciously.

"Nothing, just wondering." I shrugged, sinking a bit more into the bed. They must be injured like last time.

"Anyway, you should rest, dear."

"Yeah, yeah, of course." I sighed, and tried to get back to sleep. It's all my fault once more; my friends are probably injured, trying to find a way to heal without getting any suspects, Nymphadora would have been paralyzed if magic didn't exist, and I'm causing trouble to this school.

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