Chapter Nine

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"Dude, it's okay. You know she didn't mean it. Just chill." Sirius said, laying on his bed with his upper body out of his bed's border.

"She said.. she said she hated me." I said quietly, rubbing my swollen eyes with my ragged wet sleeve.

"Oh please, don't be pathetic. I say that I hate you all the time but do I actually? No, not even the slightest." He said, passing a hand through his dark freshly washed hair.

"She thinks I'm a werewolf, Sirius-"

Sirius cut me off, "And you were a great actor and showed her no sign of relation." He smiled a little, and I shook my head in frustration: why can't they understand?

"But she considered it! Honestly, she'll never look the same at me again." I groaned and hid my face in my hands, not wanting to see nor feel anymore; I've never ever thought Tonks would find out, and I didn't imagine her saying she hates me either.

"She clearly stated that she doesn't care." Sirius said with a hint of impatience.

"She just said that not to upset me." I glared at him, and then heard Peter snore a bit too loudly from his four-poster bed.

"Don't even go near that: my cousin is blunt as fuck." Sirius briefly smiled, but then the smile faded from his face too quickly.

"Ugh, you didn't hear her! She was.. she was scared, Sirius. She sounded... terrified." I whispered, feeling my eyes burn, admitting it. My worst fear was becoming a reality; she was scared of the monster inside me.

"Tonks has never showed any sign of dislike to half-breeds-" Sirius shouted but I cut him off, throwing the book with full force at his chest.

"Look at this! Look at it! This is the book she was reading! It's so full of rubbish!" I yelled, and then threw myself on the bed once more, feeling the ancient wood creak under me. Sirius threw the book on the floor and smiled.

"You said it yourself; rubbish. No wonder she didn't take it back to the dormitories with her."

"Just look!" I screamed, picking up the book and opening the bookmarked page. "'Wizards and werewolves do not mate.', 'They are dark creatures, if you ever met one use the Killing Curse immediately.', 'They are extremely toxic even in their human state.', why would she choose such a book?!"

Sirius shook his head. "Maybe she just thought it would help her know more about you! I'm sorry Remus but werewolves are listed under Dark half-breeds, so naturally she'd look for them there." He threw a nasty look at the book, like he was looking at a piece of filth, which was technically true.

"You didn't see her." I sighed, passing a hand through my hair.

"Remus, you're acting like a-"

"Can you just drop this already?" James snapped out of nowhere at Sirius warningly, his voice full of anger and annoyance. He didn't say a word since I told them what happened.

"But James, just listen to him! He's being so-"

"I'm being so what? Huh?"

"So self-destructive!" Sirius yelled, his face hot.

Sighing, I dropped on my bed. "Goodnight."

"Dude, I'm sorry I-"

"Just drop it, you're right; I am self-destructive, but I can't help it." I said, covering my face with a pillow.

"Just sleep then, yeah? It'll be alright tomorrow, trust me." I caught a glimpse of Sirius' smile that almost disappeared a second later. Then James' angry hissing voice broke in,

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