Chapter Three

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"But really, what happens if you put a werewolf on the moon?" Sirius asked as we sat in the Great Hall, having breakfast. "This is such a great question, like maybe the greatest question ever asked." He grinned rather proudly, taking an enormous bite from is toast.

James shook his head. "He'll explode and die, genius, because there's no oxygen on the moon."

"We never said we'd send him up without a suit you absolute monster." Sirius leaned forward toward James, looking at him fiercely.

"He'll be the first werewolf on the moon, duh." I smirked. James and Peter bursted out laughing. Sirius threw me a disgusted look.

"You just ruined my theory, fucking Moony." Sirius shook his head in disappointment.

"And what was your theory?" I raised my left brow challengingly. Sirius' face suddenly lit up.

"Werewolves are a metaphor for girls' periods, thus it's more of a timing thing than having anything to do with the moon, so nothing happens." Sirius smirked. James' eyes widened and Peter chocked his juice.

"Did you just compare me to menstrual cycles?" I asked, rather startled.

"Maybe." The grin on his face made me want to punch him, but unfortunately I didn't.

"Go to hell, Sirius Black, go to hell." I sighed.

"You love me Remus so shut up." Sirius grinned. Of course, Sirius didn't drop the werewolf-on-the-moon thing for the entire day. James and Sirius made about a thousand theory including that the moon would explode because he wouldn't stand my smelly feet standing on it. Frankly, I enjoyed their theories.

We were all heading to Potions. Professor Slughorn gladly accepted us in his Potions class for our N.E.W.T.s. About twelve Gryffindors, ten Ravenclaws, eleven Slytherins and nine Hufflepuffs entered the dungeons. Me, James, Sirius and Peter sat together, but I couldn't help but pray silently that Tonks would sit with us. Although her hair was pink, it was fader, I noticed a few brown streaks; she looked tired or sick.

"Mrs. Tonks, if you don't fancy sitting with your Hufflepuff classmates, you can join Mr. Black and his classmates. I'm sure they wouldn't mind. He's your cousin, am I right?" Mr Slughorn asked, as Nymphadora was rocking back and forth in her place.

"Oh yes, he is." Tonks said awkwardly, smiling. Slughorn was mumbling stuff about Sirius' cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange who got married and joined Death Eaters, also Narcissa Malfoy, who also got married and joined Death Eaters.

Nymphadora stood between Sirius and James; I noticed how Lily glared at her. Sirius shoved my shoulder, but I ignored. Slughorn talked about how important our N.E.W.T.s are, but I didn't pay much attention. My thoughts travelled to Nymphadora, and how beautiful she is. Also to the moon, that'll be full in two days. Tonks wasn't the only one looking pale though; Severus Snape looked so pale that he might throw up.

We started working on our Antidote potions. I was adding one pinch of Unicorn Horns as Sirius' potion exploded. Nymphadora laughed so hard as she watched him clean the mess and I couldn't help but feel a bit sad. He knows how to make her happy, I don't.

Slughorn ended class an hour later after praising Lily's potion. James watched her, a smile formed on the corner of his lip as she blushed at Slughorn's words; he loved her. Severus was the first to leave the dungeon, his face bright red. Tonks was standing, her hands in her pockets and her head lowered; something was wrong. Sirius whispered in my ear saying "Fix this shit" and then he followed Peter and James to lunch. She was putting her books in her bag; she looked anxious. Quietly, I made my way towards her.

"Tonks, hey." I smiled at her. She looked up, slightly smiled and then emptied her cauldron.

"Hey." She said. Her attitude was quiet different, not the carefree Tonks, but a miserable Tonks. She started walking towards the dungeon's door.

I tried not to sound too concerned, "Is everything, um, fine?" I held her arm, making her turn around. She stared at my eyes for a few seconds before grabbing her wrist and looking away. I caught a glimpse of sadness in them.


"I know you too well, Tonks. Don't lie to me."

Nymphadora looked down, a sad smile forming on her lips, "You used to call me Nymphadora." She whispered, taking her hand away.

"It's not like that." I furrowed my brows, feeling guilty and angry.

"Look Remus, I'm tired of this." She turned to walk away once more but I held her arm tighter.

"Tired of what exactly?" I raised my brows, knowing that it'll make her tell the truth.

"Nothing, it's just," She hesitated, her blue eyes watering, "I'm sorry." And she broke into a run away from me, leaving me guilty and confused.


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