Chapter Six

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When I first met Remus, I have never thought all of this would happen. We used to spend every single second of the summer holidays together, until the summer of our fourth year. I used to call him - I learned how to use a Muggle telephone for him actually - and tell him to meet me at a little café beside our neighborhood. He always came up with an excuse, until I gave up on him.

Then, he called me on a sunny August day. I got all excited and jumpy, and picked up. He asked me to meet him outside his house. So I did. Unfortunately, it was a goodbye. He was moving out. I cried so hard that night and never thought I'd cry as much again. I guess I was wrong.

I went to the dormitories and sobbed. I sobbed and sobbed until I couldn't see. My eyes burned with tears, my chest ached and I couldn't catch my breath; I felt like everything was collapsing. Everything was going wrong. I can't believe that I actually kissed Remus, after all those years. The soft sensation, the chills down my spine, his hands on the back of my neck, his thin bruised lips; heavenly. When Remus kissed me, I felt so much hope inside me, like I'll never be sad again.

Too bad.

I swept the last few tears off my face and glanced at moon; it was finally full. A tiny jolt of happiness warmed my chest as the moon sparkled brightly. As I said, I've always found strange comfort in them.

I love Remus, I've always did. I hated admitting to love someone who doesn't love you back, but he did. I have no idea what'e going on with him. Maybe he's being overprotective, but why from his own self? How could Remus possibly hurt me? I know him better than anyone; he wouldn't hurt a fly. I'm sure of it.

Approaching the window, I leaned against the glass and found more tears escaping my eyes. I didn't stop them. The grounds were so peaceful and the moonlight made the lake sparkle as I only saw my messed reflection on the glass. But then glancing at the grounds once more, they weren't so peaceful anymore.

Two figures were walking in a hurry across the grounds; a woman and a man. The woman was no other than Madame Pomfrey, carrying a goblet and a piece of clothings, maybe a blanket. Drying my tears quickly, I sticked my face to the glass, making out the boy's face. It can't be, but I can't mistake those light brown curls. My guesses were true, it was him.

Without giving the grounds another glance, I ran out of the dorm, hurdled over a bunch of books and sprinted outside the common room. Stairs, more stairs, corridors, one more stair, another corridor; I was close. I had to reach him. As I approached the last pair of stairs I needed, it happened before my eyes. I recklessly bumped into the Ravenclaw Head Boy. It all happened too quickly; unbearable pain spread through my entire body, my face hit cold marble multiple times, my back stung and then I found myself at the bottom of the stairs, my nose dripping blood on the floor and I could barely see anything.

"Are you okay?!" I heard the boy shriek before I felt him touch my shoulder, I groaned too loud and then I could see no more.

I had a strange unusual dream; Remus' small body was shaking. James was carrying him, looking a serious mess. Sirius was anxiously biting his nails, glancing over Remus. Peter looked more terrified than ever. Then Sirius glanced at me and yelled, approached me and rubbed my hand gently; I don't remember much more.

I don't know how many hours passed when I woke up again. Strong noon sunlight was creeping through the windows as I flickered my eyes open. I was laying on a warm hospital wing bed. My arms were covered in different colored bandages, my back hurt badly and my right leg burned. Glancing at the side table with a little struggle, I saw a few Honeydukes products, my wand and a pair of potions.

"Mrs. Tonks! You woke up!" Madame Pomfrey squealed but didn't approach me. Instead, she hurdled over to another bed three beds away and closed their curtains, then I remembered what happened last night. I jumped up, my back giving a bit of a crack and unbearable pain but then Madame Pomfrey pushed my a bit less than gentle to the bed.

"You need rest, Mrs. Tonks! Your back was a mess yesterday!" She demanded, grabbing a potion off the table.

"Where is Remus Lupin? Where did you take him?" I muttered, my voice coming out a bit hoarse. Madame Pomfrey's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she poured the thick sticky potion into an oversized spoon.

"Remus? Remus who?"

"Lupin! Remus John Lupin! Seventh year!" I shouted, my frustration getting the best of me. She threw me a dirty look then stuck the spoon into my mouth; the potion tasted like dog droppings.

"What are you talking about?" She shook her head, hurrying over a little girl opposite me, her forehead bandaged.

"I saw you yesterday with him on the grounds." I said, eyeing her suspiciously. What frustrated me even more if possible is that she didn't look suspicious at all.

"Mrs. Tonks, I don't recall going anywhere near the Shrieking Sha- Stop crying! Dear, what a day!" Madame Pomfrey squealed grimly at the little girl, but the thing is, I didn't mention the Shrieking Shack.


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