Chapter Four

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Students were staring at me, the crying and sprinting Hufflepuff until I reached Moaning Myrtle's lavatory. Making sure no one was there, I sat on the ancient tiled floor and let all the tears fall. I wasn't sobbing loudly, I was silent crying, which kind of hurt my back. I was kind of shocked that Myrtle wasn't there, but also thankful.

I wasn't crying because Remus seems so foreign now, like we never knew each others. I was crying because he looks rather ragged, more like depressed. His green eyes didn't sparkle with happiness like before, maybe Remus has problems I'm not aware of.

I washed my face, making sure my eyes didn't look so puffy then left the lavatory silently, thankful that the hallways were empty. I made my way to the Great Hall, which looked rather empty also and tried to spot familiar brown soft curls somewhere, but I couldn't. I noticed black messed hair instead. James was sitting alone in front of an empty piece of parchment, a book, and his quill was between his fingers. His glasses were on the table and he was rubbing his eyes. James Potter, the toughest guy I knew, was definitely crying.

A bit positive he wouldn't mind, I took a seat opposite him, "Hi." I slightly smiled. James looked up, a tiny smile forming on the corner of his lips.

"Oh hey, Tonks." He said, his voice rather raspy. I glanced over his book, trying to break the tension.

"What are you studying? Transfiguration?" I asked, grabbing the familiar book.

James smiled to himself, "Yes, Transfiguration." He said. I passed the book back to him. Something was definitely wrong.

My eyebrows were unconsciously furrowed, "Term just started, are you serious?"

James shrugged, "It's our last year."

I wasn't convinced but I dropped it, "Anyway, is everything alright?" I asked, glancing at his face.

"Yeah." He sighed then I noticed a tiny tear sparkling on his cheek.

"Are you crying?" I asked, sounding a bit dumb. James rubbed his eyes once more and laughed.


"What's wrong?"

"Nothing really."

"C'mon, Potter."

James inhaled deeply and then groaned, "Evans has a boyfriend." His head dramatically fell on his open book, and I laughed at his drama queen attitude.

"She doesn't."

James lifted his head and glared at me, "She does. The Ravenclaw Head Boy. Did you see them in Potions today?" He made his best disgusted face and then put his glasses on again. I still wonder if he sees without them or not.

"Yes, they were discussing the potion drama queen, because Slughorn made them partners." I rolled my eyes but James was unconvinced.

"No, he was obviously flirting with her and she was flirting back." He argued and I groaned.

"James, please."

James glared at me again, "C'mon Tonks, he's a Ravenclaw, smart, good looking and has a good sense of humor which is exactly what Lily would ever want." He rubbed his forehead.

I dared, "What do you know about Lily Evans, James?" I raised my right brow at him, he looked rather stressed.

"Um, she's good at Potions?" His brows were furrowed and his cheeks were a bit red.

"Seriously?" I laughed.

"I don't know her that well but she's really cute in class. Not cute looking, but like cute on the inside. Dammit." He blushed and shook his head.

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