A/N - Thank You

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Hello ! So since I don't update anymore and barely anyone reads either, I decided to end the story with Chapter Eleven, as it ends with Remus finally opening up to Tonks. Whether their relationship would be perfect or not, the only limit is your imagination. Thanks for everyone who read, voted and commented on this story. It's my most successful work so far. And once again, thank you for everyone who supported this, and I really hope this version of Remus and Tonks have a good healthy relationship. Thank you. - 2018

(A little 2021 update: I wrote this little story in 2015-16 when I was 14 years old. I'm almost 20 now and I remembered it randomly so I thought I'd check it out. It did okay! People actually read it! Yay! I also understand it's full of errors and I wanted to address them. There are some reoccurring grammar/vocabulary mistakes. I remember going back and fixing a few of them a few years ago. I could go back now and fix it all but I wrote this when I was young and English isn't my native language (mine's actually Arabic) so I want to keep it as I wrote it back then, for a little nostalgic trip every now and then. Also I'm sorry about the weird Sirius-Tonks issue that happened a few times. Little Egyptian me didn't know what "first-cousin-once-removed" meant, why not just say uncle? Whoops. Anyways, I'm thankful to anyone who read this. It makes me happy that something I wrote when I was so little did pretty okay. I'm studying to be an architect now, and I'll probably forget about this little book for a few years again, maybe forever, but I like that it's still here and still gets the occasional few reads. Harry Potter helped me so much growing up, so this is my little tribute to it in a way. Again, thanks to anyone who read or supported this. Thank you.)

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