Chapter Two

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Sorting wasn't anything fancy this year. I glanced at Remus over the Gryffindor table. He was playing with his fork as he sat next to Sirius, who was having his third piece of Treacle Tart. James and Peter were having a discussion that seemed quiet important. Sirius raised his head up and caught my eye for a second. I smiled and he returned it, then completed his plate.

I know Sirius' smart. I know he's aware of my feelings for Remus and I'm thankful that he never teased me about it. We're cousins, but my mother married a Muggle-born, and the Black family didn't like that very much. Sirius is probably the only Gryffindor in the family, the rest are Slytherins. He was kicked out of The Noble and Ancient House of Black after his mother, Walburga Black, kicked him out of the house two months before school started. The Potters took him in, then he sent me a letter that actually had a few tear drops.

Walburga kicked me out of the house. It's okay really. I'm staying with James which is great. I'm just pissed off at Regulus. He didn't defend me when I've spent my entire life defending him. So I'm officially the family disappointment. Don't worry though, it's fine for real. Tell your parents hi for me.
Take care,

I still have that letter. My thoughts were broken when I noticed that the feast was over and people around me were standing up. I took a breath and followed a few Hufflepuffs out of the Great Hall. I couldn't help but keep my eyes on Remus. I know it's pathetic to have a crush on someone who doesn't even consider you a friend anymore, but I can't help but.

My eyes fell on Sirius, who was making his way through the crowd towards me, "Tonks, join me?" Sirius asked. I really didn't have a choice.

"Alright." I smiled, following him between students.

"You seem a bit out of it." He said, placing his hands in his robes' pockets.

"My hair's pink, Padfoot." I pointed out. Sirius shrugged.

"So? You're feeling blue, I can tell."

I rolled my eyes, "Maybe a little bit." I sighed, giving up.

Rather awkwardly, he placed a hand on my shoulder, "What's wrong?" He asked, looking more concerned suddenly.

"Nothing particularly." I shrugged, which was true. A bunch of little first years were excitingly making their way to their common room behind the Ravenclaw Prefect. I still remember my first day too, and how happy I was that Remus made it to Hogwarts. Although being sorted into Hufflepuff and him Gryffindor made me a bit upset but I was still happy for him.

"Are you serious?" Sirius asked, his eyes narrowed.

"No, but you are." I joked and he laughed. It was an opportunity I couldn't miss.

"Alright, alright. You win." He chuckled, loosening his tie, "But remember, you can tell me anything." Sirius smiled. We walked in silence until we reached the basement, where the Hufflepuff common room's door stands beside the kitchen's. Sirius said goodnight and sprinted to the Fat Lady's portrait.

I tapped the barrel two times from the bottom, middle of the second row, in the rhythm of 'Helga Hufflepuff', which made the lid swing open, exposing a passageway that leads to the basement when crawled through; Gryffindor passwords were a lot more easier. I made my way to the girl dormitories after saying some goodnights, and entered the dorm I shared with four other girls.

None of them were there, so I decided to take time for myself. I took my robes off and wore my pajamas. I sat beside the long, round window and leaned my head on it. The moon looked beautiful, it was not full but almost there. The stars were beautifully sparkling. I thought of Remus and how his green eyes sparkled brightly just like those stars.


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